Quick Tips That Can Help Manage Dark Circles!
Dark circles are also known as peri orbital dark circles. Dark circles are dark blemishes which appear around the eye. Dark circles can appear at any age although older people are more likely to develop it. They may appear due to anemia, fatigue, medications, allergies, ageing or due to genetic problems. Dark circles may be treated either naturally with various home remedies or through artificial treatment.
The nine remedies stated below are some of the ways to cope up with the problem of dark circles.
- Massage a few drops of almond oil mixed with a few drops of Vitamin E oil to the affected area and leave it overnight. Wash it off in the morning with cold water. Follow this routine for one or two weeks to witness the difference.
- Cucumber has skin- lightening properties along with mild astringent properties which help to reduce dark circles. Cut two round slices of cucumber and leave it on top of your closed eyelids for ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat this as often as possible.
- Tomato has bleaching properties and reduces dark circles. Mix one tablespoon of tomato juice with half tablespoon lime juice, apply to the affected area and leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes.
- You may also use refrigerated green tea bags and leave them on your eyelids for about fifteen minutes. It not only reduces dark circles but also rejuvenates the skin.
- Cold milk is also an effective agent for removing dark circles. Soak a cotton ball in a cup of cold milk, place it on the affected area for fifteen minutes and wash off with water.
- Rose water is also considered to be very useful in removing dark circles. Soak cotton balls in rose water and leave it on top of your eyelids for ten to fifteen minutes.
- Chemical peelings performed by dermatologists also help in removing dark circles. It exfoliates the damaged layer and leaves the skin rejuvenated.
- Intense Pulsed Light Treatment and laser treatment are also very effective in removing dark circles. Intense pulsed light treatment destroys pigment cells responsible for discoloration. It is a process where high energy light waves are used to reduce dark circles.
- Creams with alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs) are also proved to be beneficial in removing dark circles.
Stress, lack of sleep and disturbed lifestyle are also responsible for dark circles. So, along with the above mentioned remedies following a healthy lifestyle will help you to combat the problem of dark circles. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a dermatologist. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!