Rectal Problems in Women - Doctor Recommended Tips
Rectal problems in women are quite common. It is experienced by many women in some form or the other such as rectal itching, pain or bleeding. Rectal problems are more common in women than in men. These conditions need to be attended to immediately as severe rectal problems may cause several health problems. There are many ways to deal with rectal problems in women.
Treating rectal itching: Rectal itching is a common rectal problem. These can be treated by
- Improve hygiene: You should clean the rectum area gently using cotton balls moistened with water. You should apply mild ointments to prevent irritation and soothe the skin.
- Unscented toilet paper or unscented lotions and creams: You should use white toilet paper that does not have any scent. Scented soaps, creams or lotions should be avoided as it may cause further irritation. You can also apply ointments containing 1% hydrocortisone.
- Control excessive sweating: Rectal problems may occur due to excess sweating. You should avoid sweating too much by wearing light clothes and using talcum powder for the absorption of moisture.
In case of excessive itching, you should follow the following tips:
- Do not scratch the area as scratching may lead to further itching. You can take an oral antihistamine during the night to get better sleep.
- You can take a warm sitz bath after every bowel movement, for at least three days, every day. The anus should be dried properly after the bath.
- Abstain from foods that stimulate rectal itching like tea, coffee, aerated drinks, alcohol, chocolate, spicy food, tomatoes and excess vitamin C, for a period of two weeks.
- You must maintain short fingernails to avoid injuries during scratching. To prevent unconscious scratching during sleep, wear cotton gloves.
- Stress should be managed as increased stress may lead to enhanced rectal itching. When you are anxious, do not scratch the rectal area.
Treating rectal bleeding: Rectal bleeding is another problem, which may be accompanied by other rectal problems. In case of rectal bleeding, avoid taking aspirin or any other non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug. These drugs may cause bleeding in the digestive tract. This will increase the blood amount in your stool. Bleeding hemorrhoids can worsen by the intake of these medicines. For soothing pain, opt for an acetaminophen. Constipation and diarrhoea may also lead to rectal bleeding. However, it is advised to consult a doctor before consuming any medicine.
For prevention of rectal problems, you must have a good sense of hygiene. Keep the rectum region clean and avoid sitting in the toilet for a long time. You should have a fiber-rich diet including fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid food items, which may cause rectal problems. General rectal problems are not very serious and can be treated using simple measures. Maintaining proper rectal hygiene is very important to avoid rectal problems. It is highly recommended to visit a doctor if the problem persists.