Rectal Prolaps - Types & Treatment Of It!
With more than 50,000 cases every year in India alone, rectal prolapse has been a really complicated medical disorder which affects both men and women. However, women who are over the age of 50 years, can get affected with the disease with a much increased risk.
Rectal prolapse is a medical disorder which affects the rectum and slowly pushes through the anus. It is a serious medical issue which can become really serious if not treated the right way. So here are some important details about Rectal prolapse which will help you to combat the disease in a much better manner.
What is Rectal Prolapse?
Rectal prolapse is a serious medical condition in which the rectum of the affected person's starts to lose the system's normal attachments within the body by slowly pushing it out of the anus. Even though it does not any kind of serious life threatening medical disorder to the patient but it can be really embarrassing at times. Moreover, it will have a really serious negative impact on the quality of life of the person suffering from the problem.
If the person suffering from it has a age group of less than 10 years, then it can produce serious medical consequences like autism, dysfunctional behaviour or different psychiatric problems. Rectal prolapse is not always dependent on operation because it can be treated with the help of definitive treatment.
Types of Rectal Prolapse - There are some different kinds of rectal prolapse. Here are the most common and serious types of rectal prolapse that affects the people in general.
● Internal prolapse: in this type of disorder the rectum starts to drop, but it has not yet been pushed through the anus completely.
● Partial prolapse: in this type a part of the rectum tends to move through the anus.
● Complete prolapse: as the name suggests the entire rectum extends out through the anus in this case which is really embarrassing.
So here are the most common types of rectal prolapse that can be mostly seen among the people.
Treatment of rectal prolapse needs to be mainly done if the type of prolapse is of the later two categories that we have mentioned. If the treatment is mild then one can wait to see under a doctor's recommendation and check whether it is recovering itself. If not then the doctor will surely opt for a treatment. A surgery is conducted through the abdomen area which can be either a open surgery or a incision. In worst cases, the rectum can be operated and pulled out to replace it back.