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Last Updated: Oct 23, 2019

Recurrent Seizures - How They Affect You?

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Dr. Geetanjali KaradHomeopathy Doctor • 16 Years Exp.BHMS
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Epilepsy or seizers is a neurologic disorder, which can also be classified as a chronic dysfunction of the human brain. Epilepsy is a condition that is common to both adults and children and the symptoms for the same can be spotted in any person, regardless of age or time. Though the condition can be troublesome, there is no reason to fear it. Epilepsy is curable and can be omitted with regular homoeopathic medication and treatments. If you have epilepsy, read on to find the best cures and treatments for the condition.

How epilepsy affects you?
Epilepsy is a condition of the brain, where it is forced to suddenly put a stop the normal electronic activities that it is used to performing. Symptoms of recurring seizures include-

  1. Sudden disorientation
  2. Confusion or inability of registering any activity around you
  3. Uncontrollable and contorted shaking of the body
  4. Suddenly stricken with fear
  5. Gritting of teeth
  6. Losing all consciousness, etc.

If you have noticed any or more than one of these symptoms, it is time to give the doctor a visit. A homoeopathic specialist, in this case, can prove to be the most helpful.

Types of seizures or epilepsy:
Epilepsy again can be classified into some varieties, depending on which part of the brain it is affecting. Some of the different kinds of epilepsies include-

  1. Partial Seizures: Partial Seizers are further classified into simple partial seizures, absent seizures and complex partial seizures. The first variety is characterised by jerking of the body and slight impairment of sight and sound. The second variant is characterised with momentary unconsciousness, slight twitching of the facial muscles and upward gaze. The last variety if, characterised by heavy jerking of the body, almost like in a trance and last for over a minute.
  2. Generalised Seizure or Convulsion: The Generalized seizure is a more engaging form of epilepsy that affects the whole body and results in profuse convulsion. This kind of seizures is characterised by complete loss of consciousness, heavy jerking caused due to muscular contractions, severe breathing difficulty, reddening of the face and post attach back aches.

These different types of seizures are caused depending on the area of the brain that they involve.

Best homoeopathic treatments for seizures:
Homeopathy has come up with some of the most valuable and well-researched treatments to cure epilepsy in individuals. Some of the most noted remedies and medications include-

  1. Calcarea Carbonica
  2. Cuprum Metallicum
  3. Bufo Rana
  4. Kali Bromatum
  5. Enanthe Crocata
  6. Nux Vomica
  7. Silicia
  8. Sulphur
  9. Cicuta Virosa
  10. Belladonna
  11. Hyoscyamus
  12. Causticum, etc.

These remedies are designed to positively affect different kinds of epilepsies, with different intensities and in different stages. These are only a handful of cures for seizures suggested by homoeopathy. Visiting a professional, homoeopathic, medical specialist will allow you to recognise the type of epilepsy you have and also find the best remedy for the same. 

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