Regular Care for Dentures
Teeth need to be maintained well be it natural or artificial. While the natural teeth have their own built-in safety mechanisms, the artificial ones do not and the onus is completely on the owner to care for them. Dentures can be fixed or removable (partial or complete). For best appearance and proper functioning, these need to be cared for as listed below.
Removable dentures, whether partial or complete, do the following with your removable dentures.
1. Remove and rinse dentures after eating: Take out your dentures and wash it under running water to remove food debris.
2. Handle with care: Especially if your denture has clasps, be sure to not bend them as it may alter the fit. While removing and wearing it, be careful to not drop it, the denture can break.
3. Mouth rinse: Rinse your mouth each time after you remove the denture and before each time you put them back in.
4. Brushing: Use a soft-bristled brush for regular cleaning of teeth and tongue. If no teeth are present, use a soft gauze pad and plain finger massage to clean the gum line and bone on which the denture sits.
5. Soak dentures: When not in the mouth, always place your dentures in a bowl of water. Solution for soaking dentures are available, to be used for overnight denture soaking. When left in open air, the material used to make the denture is affected and may not fit properly over a period of time. Rinse them thoroughly before putting it back in the mouth.
6. Clean your dentures: Rinse the dentures at least twice daily. This will help remove food and plaque.
7. Denture adhesive: When using a denture adhesive, extra cleaning around the area that fits into the gum and bone should be done.
8. Regular dental visits: Visit your dentist regularly to ensure that dentures are fitting properly, functioning as expected and the other parts of the mouth are constantly checked for general health. Ill-fitting dentures can lead to irritation, sores and infection and so should be immediately attended to.
Some things to avoid if you are a denture user are as follows:
1. Soaking the denture in hot water: The denture material can get warped when it is soaked in hot water and have spots on it, which impacts the looks of it.
2. Hard toothbrushes: Always use a soft toothbrush
3. Toothpastes with whitening agents: In most cases, the denture cleanser and normal water and sufficient to clean dentures with a soft brush.
4. Fixed dentures: These are easier to manage than the removable ones. However, periodic visits to the dentist for regular check up is a must. A visit every 6 months is ideal to maintain proper oral hygiene. In addition, regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing are to be continued.