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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Renal Stones - Treating It With Ayurvedic Remedies!

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Dr. Mahajan MahajanAyurvedic Doctor • 26 Years Exp.BAMS, MD - Ayurveda
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Renal stone or kidney stone is the most common problem that is found in different people these days. It is mainly a hard mass that accumulates either in one or both the kidneys that can cause pain and another discomfort. Renal stones are classified into two types and these are:

  1. Calcium Stones and
  2. Uric Acid Stones.

Symptoms Of Renal Stone
Many times pain in the lower section of the stomach can be due to many reasons such as acidity, but long term pain can be considered as a symptom of renal stone. This happens when the stone moves from the kidney to the urinary tract or also when the stones grow. Some other symptoms apart from the pain are:

  1. The colour of the urine is turned into red or brown as it contains blood,
  2. The urge of urination increases,
  3. Nausea and Vomiting at times.

Causes Of Renal Stone
The medical term used for the renal stone is renal calculi or urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis. The problem can occur due to a number of reasons and a few among them are:

  1. Increased calcium amount in the body,
  2. Genetic factor,
  3. Disease or infection in the kidney or the urinary,
  4. Consumption of alcohol and also some oxalate food items,
  5. Diseases such as high blood pressure, hypercalciuria or gout,
  6. Inflammatory disease of intestine and stomach,
  7. Side effects of wrong medication.

Home Remedies By Ayurveda For Curing Renal Stone
Today maximum of people either go for surgery for fast recovery of the stones or may go for consumption of homeopathic medicines for a safer treatment. But there are also some of the home remedies available that are suggested by the Ayurveda.

  1. Treating Renal Stone With Kidney Beans
    1. Add 4 litres of water to 60 grams of kidney beans.
    2. Now heat the mixture for about 4-5 hours.
    3. Now strain the mixture through a muslin cloth into a container.
    4. Keep the fluid aside to cool down.
    5. After the fluid cools down completely, start drinking one glass of the fluid every 2 hours.
    6. Make sure that the fluid should be consumed within 24 hours.
    7. Do this for a week time.
  2. Treating Renal Stone With Basil Leaves And Honey
    1. Crush about 10-15 basil leaves and make a paste of it.
    2. Take out the juice of about 1 tablespoon of the paste.
    3. Now add one teaspoon honey to the juice and mix them well.
    4. Consume this mixture every day once.
  3. Treating Renal Stone With Pomegranate Seeds And Horse Gram
    1. Add about half litre water to 1 cup horse gram.
    2. Now heat it till the water comes down to about 1/5th and then strain the liquid.
    3. Crush some pomegranate seeds and add about 2 tablespoons to the liquid.
    4. Drink this mixture daily.
  4. Apart from these remedies, drinking apple juice regularly and doing regular exercise also helps in getting rid of renal stone. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an Ayurveda.

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