Say No To Tobacco With Homeopathy!
You’d probably have to have been living in another solar system over the last 10 years not to be aware of the risks associated with tobacco smoking; there’s no longer any doubt about the risks associated with this activity. There’s a huge range of solutions for the person seeking assistance to disconnect himself from the desire to smoke. Some of these proffered solutions work; some don’t and some, such as nicotine replacement, for most seem to offer only limited relief and have a few notable limitations, including break-through cravings, pregnancy and various other contraindications. The nature of tobacco craving, the physical and psychological factors that motivate it, modify it or enhance it mean that its characteristics are usually quite individualized, and therefore the more the therapy is tailored to those individual characteristics, the more successful the therapy that assists with smoking cessation is likely to be. Homeopathy is perfectly positioned to meet these requirements, and what follows are some of the more notable homeopathic medicines that have found favor with prominent authorities in this area.
1. Aconitum napellus -
Aconite is a wonderful remedy for acute stress and has also been used for anxious dreams and nightmares, vertigo, headaches (with an associated boiling sensation), red, inflamed eyes, dry mouth and throat, intense thirst, vomiting, a short, dry, croupy cough, tickling in the throat and chest pain brought on with coughing. Symptoms are worse at night and after midnight, dry cold wind and warm rooms and better for open air.
2. Arsenicum album -
The Arsenicum type displays a classic picture of the recently ex-smoker: restless, anxious, constantly shifting, fearful, easily exhausted, emaciated and any area of pain often has a burning character. Also seen here may be an unquenchable thirst, burning eyes, respiratory catarrh and lung pain. Symptoms are worse in wet weather or cold, and better for heat and warm drinks.
3. Caladium -
One of the great tobacco craving remedies, Caladium promotes a dislike for tobacco, often to the point of nausea or vomiting if used when smoking. A keynote symptom for this remedy is a dread of motion. Headaches, memory loss, dyspnoea and catarrhal asthma may also be noted here. Symptoms are worse for motion and better after sleep. CamphorIcy coldness is characteristic here and it’s often accompanied by a throbbing, occipital headache, insomnia, weak bradycardia and a violent, dry, hacking cough. Symptoms are worse at night and from motion and better from warmth.
4. Daphne indica -
Like Caladium, Daphne is one of the most frequently used remedies for tobacco craving. The symptoms that correspond to it include insomnia, a bursting headache, shooting pains in the extremities, twitching, burning pain in the stomach and fetid breath.
5. Eugenia -
The primary characteristic linking Eugenia with smoking is nausea that’s improved by smoking. One may from time to time encounter a patient whose attempts at smoking cessation are constantly thwarted by nausea that’s relieved by smoking, and in this instance, Eugenia can be very effective.