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Last Updated: May 19, 2021

Seasonal Allergies - Have Homeopathy At Your Rescue!

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Dr. Vandana MittalHomeopathy Doctor • 27 Years Exp.BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
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Seasonal allergies like rhinitis and hay fever strike lacs worldwide. But what’s worse is that conventional treatments just don’t work on these allergies. So what does? Homeopathy, a complementary system of healing that works on the adage ‘like cures like’, is the perfect remedy for most seasonal allergies.

Homeopathy is also the best medicine for these allergies because it’s inexpensive and it works every time- especially if you have consulted a qualified homeopath who prescribes medicines according to your individual constitution.

The other advantages of homeopathy are that it’s safe, foolproof, and real, apart from being extremely economical.

One of the most common seasonal allergies that people grapple with worldwide is seasonal allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever. This allergy occurs when your immune system treats usually harmless substances like pollen and certain grasses as dangerous and releases chemicals to fight them. Hay fever can be triggered by different substances in different seasons and you can experience it in more than one season per year.

Whatever the season, its symptoms remain the same, like-

  1. sneezing

  2. runny nose

  3. watery and itchy eyes

  4. itchy throat and sinuses

  5. ear congestion

  6. headaches

  7. coughing

Here are a few common homeopathic remedies for seasonal allergies. Just match your dominant symptoms with the medicine that describes them, and take a low-potency dosage two to three times a day for two weeks. If you feel better, keep up the dosage, if not, it’s time to visit a homeopath for a sure-fire fix.

The homeopathic medicines that are of great help in treating nasal allergies like hay fever are Allium Cepa, Arsenic Album, Arundo Mauri, Kali Bichromicum and Gelsemium.

  1. Both Allium Cepa and Arsenic Album are very beneficial for this common allergy and they work when your symptoms are a runny nose with sneezing and burning eyes. If you feel better in open air then Allium Cepa is the better remedy but if you feel better in a warm room as compared to open spaces, then you must take Arsenic Album.

  2. Arundo Mauri works best when you are experience itching in nose, eyes, throat and sinuses.

  3. Kali Bichromicum is of great help when the dominant symptom is nasal discharge dropping back into the throat called post-nasal drip and sneezing. And Gelsemium should be used prescribed when running nose and sneezing are accompanied by a headache and a feverish feeling.

Homeopathy cures seasonal allergies faster when you are conscious about prevention. Just, take these simple, easy steps to keep allergens out of your system like keep the windows in your room shut, limit time spent outside, wear a mask when you go out to keep dust away and avoid cigarette smoke to live allergy-free.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult a specialist & get answers to your questions!