Seborrheic dermatitis refers to a kind of chronic skin rash affecting the scalp or face of a person. It has symptoms similar to that of eczema. Excess oil and greasiness could lead to this condition. This is a commonly noticed condition among children and adults. Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by red patches, persistent dandruff, and flaking skin. This kind of skin disorder needs immediate treatment as neglecting the upsetting signs can turn out to be fatal; you may face a neurological breakdown after suffering for days together.
Take a look at the causes of Seborrheic Dermatitis:
Symptoms a person may face:
Skin disorders are taken lightly by most people. Many fail to realize how important skin is to the rest of our biological system. Skin is the primary barrier to all kinds of infections and diseases. A person should be aware of possibilities that can happen to trigger a skin condition like Seborrheic Dermatitis. Poking acne or scratching the skin of one's face, diabetes or obesity, psychological trauma, and weak immunity as noticed among patients of pancreatitis can actually increase your risk of contracting this disorder.
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