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Last Updated: Aug 29, 2019

Secret of Beauty

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Dr. Komal PuriAyurvedic Doctor • 11 Years Exp.BAMS
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Mind-body balance is an important factor to attain physical
Physicalbeauty. Since a human being is a body-mind- soul complex, a'contented' soul is also
Necessary for perfect physical beauty. If the esoul is not happy and content, this
Discontentment will be reflected on the physical
Level. Modern concepts of applying cosmetics
To look beautiful or surgically fixing physical
Abnormalities is akin to keeping a beautiful
Bird (soul) inside an intricate, precious cage
(body). Rather than feeding the bird and
Listening to it sing, all our energy is devoted to
Polishing and maintaining the cage. If we do
Not feed the bird (soul), it will not be happy
Even though the cage (body) has been
Polished, washed and painted.
It is essential to feed the soul in order to
Attain permanent and everlasting beauty. Food
For the soul includes practicing non-violence,
Speaking the truth, helping others, not cheating
Or exploiting others and living with love, peace
And harmony. A contented soul fuels the subtle
Energies of the body, which regulate cell
Functions and rejuvenate the body. This is the
Reason why saints and spiritual persons (gurus,
Swamis) look beautiful, attractive and young
Even though they generally do not use any
Cosmetics or make up.
According to ayurveda, attaining beauty,
Therefore, depends on maintaining a balanced
Mind and contented soul and not merely on
Physical beauty treatments. Even physical
Treatment should be of natural origin. It should
Not aim at temporary good looks but at
Ensuring permanent and everlasting beauty.