Sensorineural Hearing Loss
I am doctor B.P. Tyagi . I am ENT surgeon and I have done 55 endoscopic ear surgery in 18 hours and entered the Limca book. On 7th of April, I have done 100 endoscopic ear surgery and entered the guinness book. I have made a molecule for sensorineural hearing loss at my center it is first time in the world we are injecting this molecule to sensorineural hearing loss patient and we are getting patients from all over the world as nowhere this injection is available and no one is injecting this injection for sensorineural hearing loss. We have injected till date around 500 patients and all are getting good results except for some cases of diabetes mellitus and cancers. All are getting around eight to ten decibels of hearing gain and it is a fantastic invention and we are happy with that.
Thank you.