Sexual Problems in Men - How Can They Be Diagnosed?
Having a problem related to intimicy may make a person withdraw into his or her shell. For many men, it is difficult to talk about the issue. Yet, there are a number of sexual problems that may afflict men at some point or the other, and it is important to get these problems dealt with, in a proper manner, with the intervention of a medical practitioner.
Read on to know more about diagnosing sexual problems for men.
Physical Examination: To begin the diagnosis of any issue, the medical health practitioner will first of all, conduct a detailed physical examination that will help in unravelling a variety of details. One of the biggest things that can determine the diagnosis is the possibility of the presence or risk of any other ailment which can give the treatment method a whole new perspective. With the help of lab tests centred around the blood and urine samples, as well as skin tests, the doctor will conduct the physical examination. Also, a check-up of the vitals and the specific regions of the body will be thoroughly conducted in terms of texture, reflexes, stimulation and more. The doctor will also check for vascular diseases, neurological ailments and other such chronic ailments that may have remained undiagnosed.
Psychological Factors: Many sexual problems encountered by any member of the opposite sex can be attributed to pressing psychological problems that can shape the sex life of the patient in an adverse manner. Therefore, the doctor will also consider evaluating the issue on a psychological level. The medical practitioner may ask the patient to pay a visit to a sexologist or a psychiatrist in order to find out the root cause of any underlying stress, anxiety or even relationship issues that may be fuelling the problem at hand.
Penile Branchial Index: With the help of this test, the doctor will be able to check the blood pressure levels in the penis, which can further help in diagnosing conditions that have to do with penile vascular disorders. Papaverine is an erecting inducing element that will be administered as a test dose to begin with. Thereafter, the penis will be monitored so as to check for normal reactions and any anomalies. A contrast dye may also be employed during this exam where its insertion into an artery can help in taking an X-ray of the region. This will help in detecting any leaks in the vascular system, which may have led to conditions like erectile dysfunction. In order to go conduct proper diagnosis, the patient will have to find a reliable doctor with whom he can discuss all kinds of symptoms and discomfort. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.