Sexual Weakness - How Effective Is Ayurveda?
Vajikaran is one of the eight specialities of the Ashtanga Ayurveda. Its usage helps in increasing strength, potency, and good physique. Vajikaran is also known for improving sexual weakness such as erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction or impotence, refers to a person’s inability to have a form erection despite engaging in sexual intercourse.
Causes of sexual weakness or erectile dysfunction
The prominent causes of sexual weakness or erectile dysfunction are the followings-
• Anxiety and stress
• Narcotics or drug abuse
• Physical wounds or injuries
• Health conditions such as diabetes and obesity
• Metabolic syndrome- a condition characterized by body fat around the waist, elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol and increased insulin levels
• Peyronie’s disease- the growth of scar tissue inside the penis
Symptoms of sexual weakness or erectile dysfunction
The symptoms of sexual weakness or erectile dysfunction are the followings-
• Maintaining an erection becomes difficult during sexual intercourse
• Difficulty getting an erection
• Lack of interest in sex or any kind of sexual activities
• Anorgasmia, which is the incapacity to experience orgasms even after a heavy amount of stimulation
• Delayed ejaculation
• Premature ejaculation
How can Vajikarana herbs help in dealing with sexual weakness or erectile dysfunction?
The word ‘Vaji’ is a Sanskrit word and stands for the horse, which is considered a symbol of sexual potency and virility for ages. These herbs work towards curing conditions relating to premature ejaculation, male infertility, erectile dysfunction and lack of libido.
The herbs that are used in Vajikarana therapy for treating erectile dysfunction are-
• The Panchaule orchid (Dactylorhiza hatagirea)
• Kali Musli (Curculigo orchioides Gaertn)
• Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
• Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum)
The Vajikarana herbs aim towards the stimulation and nourishment of the sexual tissues and organs and contribute to your sexual appeal. It also helps in increasing sperm count and sperm motility. This type of therapy combines herbal formulas and ancient Ayurvedic ideas and wisdom based on exercise, diet, relaxation and mental training. It results in men being able to reach their sexual peak and helps them get rid of their sexual difficulties through natural and safe methods.
Research and studies have shown that natural and Ayurvedic remedies like Vajikarana herbs help in getting rid of the problem permanently. In addition, the biggest benefit of such a method is that it does not cause any side effects. One of the biggest positives of Ayurvedic treatments is that they are natural and strike at the root of the problem, eradicating it with minimum chances of recurrence.
Therefore, the next time you experience the symptoms of erectile dysfunction or face problems in your sexual life, make sure that you go the Ayurvedic way, or talk to a sexologist who can advise you on the same.