I am Dr. Monty Talwar. I am practicing homeopathy in Gurgaon since the last 21 years. Today let us talk about Sinusitis. Sinusitis is the presence of infection in the paranasal sinuses. There are 4 types of sinuses - maxillary, frontal, ethmoidal and sphenoid. The infection can occur due to bacteria or virus or due to dust, pollution. A lot of times there is a recurrent sinusitis which is due to lower immunity. Sinusitis has become very common these days in young adults.
The common symptoms are - Presence of discharge from the nose, nasal blockage, pain in the face in the region of the sinuses, there may be associated with headache, fever, cough etc. Treatment includes giving medicines for the acute symptoms. So in case there is a cold, cough or fever then we usually give acute medicines. For the recurrent sinusitis, which occurs due to lower human immunity we can do deep acting constitutional medicine.
The line of treatment usually last for about 4 to 6 months. If you have any queries related to Sinusitis or any other complaints you can consult me at my clinic in Gurgaon. You can also do online consultation through Lybrate. Thank you!