Sleep Apnea And Homeopathy!
Sleep apnea is a common and serious sleep disorder that causes your breathing to become shallow or stop completely during sleep. In some cases, this pause in breathing (called apnea) can last 10 seconds or longer and it can occur 30 times or more in an hour.
Though certain chronic health problems increase sleep apnea risk and make it more prevalent in older individuals, factors like enlarged tonsils or other structures in the throat can cause sleep apnea to develop at any age (including in childhood).
“sleep apnea is a public health problem”
And despite the condition being common, it often goes undiagnosed because many of the symptoms — such as loud snoring, gasping for air, and interruptions in breathing — occur during sleep, when individuals may not even realize what’s happening.
Role of homeopathy-
Homeopathy reaches the root cause of apnea from stress to snoring and heavy weight where breathing gets obstructed.
Homeopathy allows the bronchus and other obstructions to allow airway passing with giving relaxed sleep to a patient.