Sleeping & Psychiatric Disorders: What You Need To Know?
Sleep is the normal physiological process of our body which is as important as respiration and digestion. Sleep is vital for maintaining our physical and mental health. Normal adults require 8 hours of sleep every day, whereas it 14 to 15 hours of sleep is recommended for for infants and toddlers.
What are the different stages of Sleep
Every human has a natural circadian clock in their body, which is responsible for maintaining our sleep - wake homeostasis. The different stages of sleep include REM and NREM that is rapid eye movement sleep and non rapid eye movement sleep respectively. REM is the deep sleep stage in which it is very difficult to wake up the person as this stage includes the sensory inhibition and all voluntary muscles along with almost all interactions with the surroundings are inhibited. Therefore, a person’s physical stress and tiredness also gets relieved during this stage of sleep. NREM sleep is the stage between REM and awakening and here the person may have sensory connection with his or her surroundings, but may not respond.
Sleep and its benefits
Sleep and stress have a very strong connection with each other. The best way to relieve stress and any other mental disturbance is sleep. It is essential to have knowledge about sleep psychiatry for almost all physicians as they face many sleep deprived patients in their day to day practice.
- Sleep is not only responsible for relieving mental stress and depression, but has other benefits as well
- Sleep is also essential for the normal physiological growth in early infancy and it is vital for development of normal alertness, attention and knowledge
- It also relaxes our voluntary muscles and thereby, relieves us from physical stress
- Sleep disturbance may also aggravate diseases in our body. Sleep is also the state of recovery and healing.
Sleep psychiatry also insist on meditation and ensures that people have normal pattern of sleep, in order to maintain the mental health of the person in a normal state.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!