Some Healthy Drinks To Boost Your Immunity!
Immunity cant be build in a day or two it takes really long time! this pandemic has given us a challenge to boost our immunity. The problem arises because our fast stressed lifestyle with junk food as priority has depressed our immunity and now it becomes difficult to boost it. We are aiming at lifestyle modification which can be helpful. Let's retrieve our ancient literature to help us.
So what can you do?
1. Have a cup of detox tea
2. Detox drink (squeeze lemon juice, add pinch of black salt, salt, pepper powder, hing powder (asofoetida) and 1/2 cup boiled water)
3. Detox drink (in 1/2 cup boiling water add 1/4 tsp dry ginger powder (soont) and pippramoth and organic jaggery)
4. Ukala (in 1 glass of boiled milk add 1 tsp of desi ghee, pinch of turmeric and pinch of chai masala)
5. Lemon shot (take 1 tsp of lemon juice and add pinch of salt and then drink water)