Stress & Anxiety - Can Acupuncture Be Of Help?
Defeat Stress and Anxiety with Acupuncture
That overwhelmed feeling that you wake up to every day - a feeling of suppressed anger together with acute feelings of low self-esteem - is the indicator of a growing health issue that affects 9 out of 10 individuals worldwide. The expectations from personal as well as professional front add up to stress, anxiety and consequently depression that can have hazardous health effects if the warning signs are ignored.
Conventional treatment practices suggest the use of drugs and consultation sessions, which is associated with sluggishness, decreased efficiency, and often shame. Acupuncture, on the other hand, is a wonderful alternative to the conventional path, with people reporting a marked improvement in their mental and physical health in just one session.
Symptoms of Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are mental issues that often are ignored. It is crucial to detect the early signs of stress and identify the source to restore the well-being of both mind and body. The symptoms include -
• Panic attacks of increasing frequency
• Low self-esteem
• Uncontrollable mood swings
• Irritation
• Inability to concentrate
• Inability to relax
• Insomnia
• Lack of appetite
How Acupuncture helps with stress and anxiety
• Acupuncture is a chinese practice that restores balance and calm in the mind and body. It involves a practitioner inserting needles at specific points in our body to redistribute and balance energy flow or qi and allow the body to heal from within.
• The natural healing response of the body is initiated due to increased blood flow resulting from the varying pressure of the various needles that are inserted into the body.
• Many people feel embarrassed to visit a consultant for mental health issues. Acupuncture is to be a better alternative for them and help them to address a variety of symptoms at the same time.
• Acupuncture helps in curing stress and anxiety by redistributing the energy flow within the body, unlike conventional medical practices that focus on reducing the activity of the nerve transmitters.
• Acupuncture is not associated with the side effects typically accompanying anti-depressant medication, such as sluggishness, addiction etc.
• The role of the acupuncturist is crucial in the treatment of stress and anxiety as the efficiency of a session depends on the correct identification of the underlying cause.
Mental health issues remain taboo in large parts of the world, with 75% of suffering individuals who feel ashamed to discuss their concerns. Making healthy choices in life is something everyone owes to himself or herself for living a fulfilling life. However, stress and anxiety have become major roadblocks to this. It is your choice to either succumb to stress and anxiety or start making healthy choices by booking yourself a session with a licensed acupuncturist and being on your path to a rewarding life.