Sweda Vidhi - Know More About It!
Sweda Vidhi (Sudation)
- Sweda means sweat which is the mala through which pitta is eliminated. The therapies which help in producing perspiration are called swedana.
- In Swedana, certain procedures are done to dilate the srotas and to make the body sweat. This is done after sneha therapy. Swedana works in conjunction with sneha to facilitate the removal of ama and mala from the srotas and dhatus and to transport them back to the kostha (Gastrointestinai tract).
- It can be done in specific parts or all over the body
- It is mainly indicated for kapha and vata diseases.
A. Types of swedana
It is classifted into 4 main types
I.Tapa sweda:-
Sweating using hot sand.Used in Ama vata (acute rheumatic conditions)
2. Upanaha sweda - Poultices
Powders of herbs and food grains are mixed with vinegar, oil and a little salt .warmed, applied on specific parts which are then covered by leaves and cloth tightly.It is done in night and removed in the morning
3. Drava sweda Fomentation with warm liquids
A.Pariseka - Dhara (pouring warm liquids). E.g. Decoctions of anti vata herbs are used in Ama vata
B.Avagaha - Tub bath
4. Usma sweda
a. Pinda sweda (fomentation using bolus)
b.Nadi sweda (fomentation using tube)
c.Kuti sweda (sweat house)
this all type of swedana done in our vishwavallabh ayurvedic panchakarma center,nashik-pune.
Signs of proper swedana