The Benefits Of Daily Meditation!
The benefits of daily meditation can improve the health of the mind, body and soul.
When thinking of the practice of meditation and the benefits of daily meditation, some people may be put off by thinking it takes too much time or they can't just sit still when there are 100 other things to get done. Statistically, even just 20 minutes of daily meditation can have benefits on physical, mental and spiritual health. They may also perceive meditation as being part of some sort of religion. Think of the act of meditating as a form of stress relief first and foremost for the average individual. Here, you’ll find out what meditation is really about and be exposed to a whole new world of the benefits of daily meditation.
Physical Benefits of Daily Meditation:
Physically, meditation introduces more prone, or energy, into your body to improve your health. Additionally, daily meditation lowers high blood pressure, and the lives of blood lactate, which helps in reducing anxiety attacks. It can improve your immune system, increase you energy level, as well as serotonin production which can help improve your behavior and mood. Been suffering from headaches lately? A benefit of daily meditation is that it can decrease some tension related pain that is inflicted on your body, such as insomnia, ulcers, muscle and joint problems and reduces tension headaches.
Mental Benefits of Daily Meditation:
Studies on the physical benefits of daily meditation have uncovered some remarkable findings around the effects mental benefits of daily meditation on the brain and mental health.
There is, among people who practice meditation of any type, a 75 percent drop in the occurrence of depression. There was a 30 percent drop in anxiety with a 65 percent rise in feelings of well-being. Each of these benefits spills over into some very crucial areas of importance. With anxiety disorders often comes impulsive behavior. This can cause addictions which is now at epidemic proportions around the world apart from the East. There is a reason for this. We have vastly different cultures and lifestyles that yield very different results. One of the most valuable and long-term benefits of daily meditation is we will no longer be subject to the ills that a spoiled Western culture delivers. We will reduce cravings for the fast food we eat. If we adopt mindfulness meditation, which we will get into in a bit, we will be far happier with less.
So, does this mean that we are going to want to sell our worldly possessions and climb the Himalayas? No. That, is yet another misconception. What will typically happen over time is the very mechanisms in the brain and body, as well as the emotional body will cease to be on overdrive. Your need to be turned on to every piece of technology for long periods of time or short bursts all day and night will disappear. Your brain is a very trainable and miraculous thing; however, it is also a creature of habit and likes it that way so much it will do all it can to keep it there.
Your brain works tirelessly to do two things. One, avoid pain and two, seek pleasure. So, in the case of the daily benefits of meditation on the mental and physical bodies, you can see it this way. You will become essentially addicted to the feeling and the freedom the meditation gives you. In essence, you will not just become a different person but a person that is attracted to vastly different things.
The next benefit is resilience. Life brings pain and adversity at times. Sometimes we can’t prevent or change that, so, how resilient we are becomes very important. Daily meditation builds our resiliency muscles.
This last benefit of daily meditation, at least on the most popular list, is it will help us live a lot longer and healthier and here’s why. If we were to ask the average person how they thought daily meditation could make you live longer and healthier, the typical answer would be heart attack and stroke prevention. While that may be true to an extent, the benefits of daily meditation on our longevity goes deeper than just a calm cardio vascular experience. What meditation does in this sense is cease the cravings to smoke or overeat due to emotions being on overdrive.
As you go along on your daily journey, to work or school or wherever your path leads you regularly, you’ll see that daily meditation is something that will improve your emotional intelligence. For people with a propensity to bouts of anger, or those who tend to become easily irritated, you’ll notice that you react less and less on this scale. Your social connections will be so much different and so much more meaningful.
Image via Quiet Mind Meditation:
With practice, you can look forward to a lot of super changes in your mind that will start to come naturally and effortlessly. Within six months of daily practice you will notice a marked increase in your ability to focus and in your mental strength when you really need it. This is why meditation is great for students. Study time can be cut by 50 percent or more. Cramming will no longer be the way you will pass your courses and that means more free time for you!
There are many benefits of daily meditation for those in the creative arts. Dancers, singers and painters, as well as anyone who has to think creatively and have that special energy flowing through them are blessed through meditation. This is because when you train your mind in any type of meditation, you naturally remove energetic blocks and mental blocks from your existence.
Spiritual Benefits of Daily Meditation:
Here we look at the spiritual side of meditation. Many people are so put off by meditation simply because they are confused as to whether they can or should meditate. Spirituality is the concept that we are connected to something bigger than ourselves. Meditation can help center that concept and even allows you the time to explore it within your own mind. Or not. If you want, you can sit there and think about the laundry you have to get done.
One way to understand the benefits of meditation is to understand that yes, you are a spiritual being having a human experience. This means that the very act of being human, even being an atheist is still spiritual. It is who we are at our core. Who we are is not what we do or what we own. We are here to elevate ourselves through whatever belief system we have chosen. Meditation is simply another expression of who we are and a way to connect with our “source” whatever or whoever this may be to us.
Try Meditation for Yourself:
There are too many types of meditation to mention here. But, there is one type of very powerful meditation you can learn now, today and we are going to give you that bonus and teach you. So, can this really give you all the benefits that we’ve covered here if it’s really that simple? Yes. Why? Because less is more, period. With meditation you must keep this in mind.
When you are doing an activity like washing dishes or vacuuming or even walking, engulf yourself in that process. Stay there in the now. If you have thoughts let them pass through without judgement. Repeat how good it feels or the fact you can hear the wind or birds. No matter how corny it seems, it’s a way to keep your mind in one place, (where you are and no where else). The benefits we described come about when you develop the skill of being in the moment. You can do this for three straight months only three to four days a week and you will see a marked difference in being able to stave off distraction!
The second phase you can take a Hatha yoga class. Yoga was simply a way to deal with advanced meditation poses without falling asleep and was later developed into a more complex activity for health. This is the perfect second phase so you can begin to really enjoy the benefits of daily meditation. If you physically can’t participate in yoga, you can research other more complex meditation phases and you are guaranteed to see how mindfulness has honed your ability straight away. Meditation is a life-enhancing activity you can enjoy for many years.