Eczema is a skin condition marked by eruptions that are often pus filled boils and can be of many kinds. One of the kinds of eczema is also known as Atopic Dermatitis. Before treating Atopic Eczema it is always good to take an opinion of a Dermatologist, as the skin of Atopic patients is sensitive and not all home remedies may suit everyone. It is known to aggravate during cold and biting months of winter and can lead to dryness and scaly patches. It is commonly found in patients who are young children and babies. The flare up can also relapse again. Reddish brown patches and oozing boils characterize this skin ailment. It is mostly found on the face, scalp, knees and elbows.
Let us look at the natural ways in which it can be treated effectively:
- Oil Massages: Atopic Eczema is usually characterized by severe dryness, which can be fixed with the help of coconut oil and olive oil massages. Sunflower seed oil and others like camomile, chickweed, licorice and thyme can help in bringing down the inflammation by soothing the area and removing the dryness to a great extent. These oils also have antibacterial properties which can help in treating the eczema in an efficient manner. Further, green tea, primrose oil, aromatherapy and other such methods can also be used to soothe the skin and treat the condition.
- Probiotics and other Essentials: It is important to get a good dose of Omega-3 oils as well as other essentials like probiotics and flavonoids that are contained in food like green and leafy vegetables, dairy products, fish and others. These elements can help in treating Atopic Eczema in a natural manner.
- Vitamins: Eating the right food can help in removing painful symptoms to a great degree. One can turn to the best vitamin d supplement that will supply precious Vitamin D to the body and help the skin become clear. Vitamin D can also be found in green vegetables, fish and dry fruits like figs and almonds.
- Lifestyle Changes: There are other ways of treating this condition. One of the methods includes making lifestyle changes like using deep breathing and meditative techniques that can bring the stress level down so that the flare up does not happen and the immune system continues to function properly. Also, patients would be advised to use a cold compress every night as this is when the itching increases by leaps and bounds. The use of oat meal baths with baking soda can also help.
- Aloe Vera Gel: The soothing and healing properties of Aloe Vera are well known. One can use the gel of this herb to bring down the painful inflammation as well.
- Healthy drinks: Green tea usage can be found efficient in treating eczema, according to many pieces of research. Apart from consuming green tea, there are many other healthy drinks which you must consume if you are suffering from eczema.
There are various ways to deal with Atopic Eczema and hygiene is one of the top methods along with a good lifestyle.