The Dangers of Fast Food Diet
Are you the one who lives on burgers or packaged foods? Well, then it's time for you to check your diet. These delicious food items that you die for contain excess carbohydrates and unhealthy fats that are extremely dangerous for your health. Most of these food items contain excess of carbs, fats, added sugars and salt. These items do not have sufficient nutritional values. They only offer you high calories that are harmful for the body and its various organs. Researchers have found that when most of these food items were given to lab animals, they yielded dangerous results, offering negative nutritional value to them. Prolonged exposure to these food items can affect the health of the heart, gastrointestinal organs and lead to obesity.
According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, it has been found that most people underestimate the number of calories intake at a fast-food selling outlet. A 2013 study published in JAMA Pediatrics reveals that individuals consume more calories in restaurants than at their respective home. This trend is quite dangerous. It is responsible for the occurrence of a number of diseases.
Here's why you should avoid fast foods:
- Save your digestive and cardiovascular systems: Fast foods are packed with unhealthy amounts of carbohydrates and fats. When these are consumed, our digestive system breaks down these carbs into sugar or glucose. The glucose is then released into the blood. As the blood is loaded with sugar, pancreas releases insulin hormone into the body. Insulin regulates the transportation of the sugar to cells. As the sugar reaches various cells, pancreas releases another hormone-glucagon. It commands the liver to make use of the sugar. Now, when excess sugar is produced in the body due to intake of fast foods, the balance between insulin and glucagon is hampered and the level of sugar in bloodstream changes. Consequently, you develop type 2 diabetes.
- Check your weight and heart: The added sugars and unsaturated fats in the fast foods lead to obesity. You consume more calories and as a result of which your body weight increases. This is quite dangerous for your health. Under such circumstances, you tend to develop chronic heart diseases due to the increasing levels of cholesterol in your body.
- Your kidney is at risk: Fast foods often contain excess salt. The intake of fast foods changes the level of sodium in the body. Sodium is responsible for maintaining the fluid content in the body. Increasing fluid levels due to intake of excess sodium in the form of salt exerts pressure on the heart muscle and causes high blood pressure. Besides, excess sodium also damages the kidney.
- Protect your respiratory system: According to a study in journal Thorax, children who eat excess fast food are at increased risk of developing asthma and rhinitis. In fact, increased body weight puts extra pressure on your respiratory organs and causes difficulty in breathing.
- Affects central nervous system: Intake of junk food affects the brain synapses and the molecules that are related to the process of memory and learning in both children and adults. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a doctor and ask a free question.