The moment you hit your late 20s, you are continuously plagued by the ageing of your skin. Whether it is light wrinkles, thinning of skin, crow’s feet or just fine lines; these slight ageing signs are a constant irritant for everyone. You can follow these four simple tips to ensure a healthy, glowing and youthful skin:
1) Minimize exposure to the sun - A majority of skin damage can be blamed on over exposure to the sun. The sun is an infinite source of harmful UV rays, which lead to the onset of wrinkles by having an extreme adverse effect on the elastic fibres of the skin. Thus, avoid stepping out at noon when the sun is at its peak, and spend time in choosing the correct sunscreen for your skin tone and texture.
2) Check your dietary habits - A correct diet can single-handedly fight signs of ageing and provide you with a wrinkle-free and glowing skin. Your skin benefits indefinitely from vitamin A, Biotin and antioxidants such as vitamin E and C. Green vegetables, citrus fruits such as oranges, tomatoes, carrots etc. are some products that are rich in these nutrients. Regeneration and repair are constant actions performed by your skin and it needs the correct amount of nutrition to perform them.
3) Participate in stress-busting activities - Constant stress is the prime reason for onset of wrinkles and early ageing. Cortisol is an ageing hormone and it is constantly released into your bloodstream when you suffer from chronic stress. Thus, make sure to check your stress level and indulge in activities such as walking, running, yoga, meditation, sports etc. which have a calming effect on the mind and body.
4) Cut down on smoking and drinking - Excessive drinking simply robs your skin of the nutrients that are necessary for it to fight ageing and stay healthy. As far as smoking is concerned, it drastically reduces the amount of blood flow to your face and as a result, gives rise to crow’s feet and deep wrinkles covering the eyelids. Limit your alcohol intake to one drink a day and try and completely give up smoking to maintain that healthy glow.
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