Tinea Capitis - Cure It With Ayurveda Treatment
Tinea Capitis is a kind of infection of the scalp. It is mainly caused by fungi, known as Trichophyton and Microsporum. This condition mainly affects children, who are either in their adolescence stage or in late childhood. Scaly patches tend to occur on the scalp having some dry hairs, which are brittle in nature, going along with the inflammation, pustules as well as itching.
Let us now take a look at some of the details about Tinea Capitis conditions such as symptoms and cause of this scalp condition before going into the Ayurvedic Treatments for this problem.
Symptoms of Tinea Capitis
Causes of Tinea Capitis
Tinea Capitis, which is basically a kind of fungus, grows in stratum corneum and through which it enters the keratin. Scalp tends to become infected and hair turning out to be brittle. The causes can be listed as follows:
- Fungi are known as Dermatophytes
- Sweating, where the skin stays wet for a long period of time.
- Some sort of minor injuries related to nail or skin.
- If hygiene is extremely poor.
- This can also get spread by cats.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Tinea Capitis
In Ayurveda, there are two doshas, which cause the accumulation of toxins in the deeper tissues like nutrient plasma, blood, muscles, and lymphatic are Kapha and Vata. They ultimately lead to the contamination of deeper tissues and hence, lead to ringworm.
Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Tinea Capitis
Ayurveda looks to treat the disease by going into the root cause behind it. The natural treatment in Ayurveda can heal people out of this disorder without causing any kind of side-effects. Some of the herbal and ayurvedic remedies used for treating Tinea Capitis condition.
Neem Capsules: This is a 100% natural ayurvedic product, which gets obtained from neem, Azadirachta indica, which belongs to family Meliaceae. Benefits are:
- Helps to maintain healthy skin
- Contains anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties
- Effective in curing skin diseases like eczema, acne or fungal infections.
- Helps to balance out Vata Dosha
Gandhak Rasayan: These are ayurvedic herbal tablets made from Shuddh Gandhak. Rasayan refers to Rejuvenation. It contains natural properties to rejuvenate the body without having any side-effects. The tablets help to remove toxins from one’s body and assist in maintaining healthy skin. Two tablets two times a day with plain water after meals would prove to be effective in treating Tinea Capitis problem.
Arogyavardhini Vati: These are purely ayurvedic medicine for tinea capitis, These herbal tablets help in balancing out all the three doshas. Benefits of Arogyavardhini Vati are given below:
- It is anti-oxidant in nature
- There are anti-fungal properties
- Presence of anti-bacterial properties It is beneficial for different kinds of infectious diseases.
- The ideal dose would be taking 2 tablets two times a day with normal water after meals.
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