Types of Birth Control Contraceptive Methods
Here are some tips on types of contraceptive methods
Hi I’m Dr. Soni Anand. I’m a consultant obstetrician-gynecologist and infertility expert. This is a very controversial topic and everyone wants to use something but they don’t know what to use, how to use and for how long to use and whether it is suitable for him and his partner, or not. There are basically 4 modalities of Contraception:
(a) Intra-Urine contraception device also known as Copper T, Multi load, Mirena etc. I think this is the most comfortable for the patient and it is usually applied on the 4th or 5th day of periods and if properly applied, there is no problem in the continuation of these devices. Usually in few patients you can have periods for a cycle or two but then it settles down. We have medication for that and second thing- you have to get a checkup, every 4-5 month intervals at your doctor, and I think this is the best method because it does not require every day motivation and has no hormonal side effects.
(b) Pills or OC Pills, there is a common myth that it causes weight gain but now a days like everything, the Pill has also evolved and now we have ultra-low dosage pills and they get the desired effect and prevents pregnancy but does not have a long term side effect which existed when there were high doses. And you have to start the pill on Day 1 and continue it for 21 days and then there is a pill free period where you’ll have your periods and then can again restart from Day 1 and it can be used under medical supervision as long as you want.
(c) Condoms, it is not a very reliable method because it is partner dependent and can be used as a spacing method if they are willing.
(d) The terminal method of contraception, i.e. the family planning surgery or tuber ligation. It is suggested to those patients who have completed their families and can opt for this permanent method.
My message to my viewers is that contraception is a confusing matter and if you can’t decide yourself, consult a doctor.
If you want to consult me, you can reach me through Lybrate. Either by a text or through telephone or you can book a physical appointment.