Types of Hair Loss
Here are Types of Hair Loss
Hi I am Dr.Phanisri. I am practicing in Banjara hills in Madhapur. I get lot of hair cases. 50 % of my practices are for hair. I do a lot of hair regrowth sessions, different kinds of sessions ad more advanced ones.
Coming to the types of hair loss-
Hair loss differs from people to people based on their age, hormone and the family background etc. A hair loss type is of different. They are Diffused hair loss- overall thinning of hair. The reasons are Lack of nutrition like iron deficiency in females, B12 deficiency, B3 and calcium etc. and Hormonal changes. During pregnancy, male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, thyroid issues (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism) and PCOD. Hormonal hair loss may occur due to these following circumstances. Male pattern baldness is also known as androgenic alopecia. This is caused due to excessive male hormones and is usually hereditary. The condition can also be developed even though it is not in the previous generations. In male pattern baldness, hair loss is mainly in the front area. The condition usually starts after 30s.
But today people are suffering from this condition during their early 20s due to pollution and stress. Hair transplantation can be replaced by hair growth procedures during the early stages. Male can also have female pattern baldness in which there won’t be much receding in the front but the hair will be very thin at the top of the scalp and also at back. Here you need to undergo hormonal correction and should intake medicines also. Here we first try to diagnose the type of hair loss which helps to practice the right treatment. Once the reason is found, we treat accordingly. In case of re growth Mesotherapy with different materials and PRP (platelet rich plasma) are followed. We use US based equipments which are FDI approved. It is a painless procedure and the patient is supposed to spend at least 1 hour. This is one of the most successful methods which are practiced.