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Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024

Urticaria - 6 Homeopathic Remedies For Hives Disease

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Dr. Sanket GuptaHomeopathy Doctor • 15 Years Exp.BHMS, MD-Homeopathy, PGPC - Preventive Cardiology
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Urticaria or hives are red, raised lesions that occur anywhere on the body, usually around the trunk, hands, and legs. They appear as small round rings or large patches that change shape, may itch, and be surrounded by a red flare. They can be acute or chronic, with acute almost always being an allergic reaction. It is often due to unknown causes, ranging from chronic irritation to parasitic infection to temperatures to water types. Here we discuss some homeopathy remedies for urticaria disease which are given below.

Homeopathic Medicine for Urticaria (Hives)

Homeopathic medicine can treat these diseases as a whole, and similarly, when treating urticaria or hives problem tries to identify associated symptoms and thereby treat the cause also. After a detailed discussion about predisposition and associated symptoms, a customized remedy will be prescribed, which may include one of the following common homeopathic remedies for Urticaria or hives problem :

  1. Apis Mell: This homeopathic treatment given to hives patients consist of isolated patches that are painful, tender, itch at night, feel like bee stings, become purple. There is burning pain, slight fever, and warmth of the surrounding skin. It is worsened by changing weather and exercise, causing severe itching and burning. The patient may already have asthma.
  2. Arsenic Album: The urticaria is caused by eating shellfish and causes burning and restlessness. The condition gets worse being at the seaside and by getting into seawater. Arsenic is a homeopathy medicine useful to treat urticarial symptoms during the recession of the lesions. The person also could be down emotionally with depression, despair, indifference, and irritability. If the lesions are more severe, the restlessness is also severe. It is worse after midnight, from 1 to 2 a.m.
  3. Rhus Toxicodendron: Rhus prepared from the leaves and bark of the plant poison ivy, Rhus works on multiple body systems including skin, joints, eyes, extremities, and overall vitality. In addition, this homeopathy medicine for urticaria disease, also used in cellulitis, arthritis, fevers, etc. It is effective if the urticaria has a burning sensation, an inflamed reddened rash that is worsened by cold and improved by warmth.
  4. Urtica urens: This Homeopathic medicine made from a plant called stinging nettle, which itself has a tendency to produce urticaria, it is used when there is urticaria from bee stings or after eating shellfish. The lesions are red with severe burning and itching, recurring every year, could be associated with weather changes.
  5. Natrum Muriaticum: The common salt sodium chloride is potentized, and its inner healing power activated. This homeopathic remedy used for chronic urticaria, where the lesions develop after severe irritation.
  6. Dulcamara: This homeopathic medicine develops a general prickly sensation setting in and at night when it is cold and damp. The hives are irregular white patches surrounded by a red area that itch badly. The hives are associated with violent cough, swelling of the lymph nodes, fever, restlessness, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste, and intense aching in the pit of stomach. If you wish you can consult with Experienced homeopaths of Delhi

Updates From Lybrate: We hope this information was helpful to you. Moreover, you can also check out these organic products for skincare from Lybrate.


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