Vitiligo - Everything You Should Know About It!
Vitiligo or Leucoderma is a genetic disorder triggered due to mental stress and constipation. Leucoderma or vitiligo is called Shivita kushta according to Ayurvedaand is caused due to defect in brajak pitta. Brajak pitta is a color forming agent in body and defect in formation of brajak pitta causes vitiligo. There are many causes, which can trigger vitiligo other than stress and genetics.
There are certain food combinations , such as taking milk and sour fruits together can trigger vitiligo. Also, using excessive salty food and meat products with milk can trigger disease. Deficiency of copper and vitamin B12 can trigger this disease. So treatment of vitiligo is done taking in account many factors.
Toxins produced in body are neutralized using herbal medicines, which helps in stopping the spread of disease. External herbal application containing Wrightia Tinctoria help in repigmentation on white skin. According to modern science steroids are used in pulse therapy where steroids are used 2 times a week.
This also prevents the disease from spreading. In some severe cases integration of allopathic and Ayurveda is key to success.
There are few important points, which vitiligo patients should always take in account, such as:
- When disease is spreading sitting in sun for prolonged period can trigger the spread.
- Using Brinjal and raw tomatoes and excess of vitamin C is not good.
- Irregular lifestyle is a trigger the disease along with consumption of alcohol.