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Last Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Vomiting - Homeopathic Medicines For It!

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Dr. Anita BafanaHomeopathy Doctor • 35 Years Exp.BHMS
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Vomiting is a natural process for the body to rid itself of something it does not want, in the quickest way possible. Nausea is usually the prior warning of this process, although it can mean other things too. Vomiting is commonly caused by an infection in the stomach or intestines that may be due to food poisoning or an infection of an unknown origin.

Vomiting is not a disease in itself. It is a symptom that something is not alright with the body – it could be indigestion or kidney stones, medication side effect or pregnancy, alcohol or spoiled foods. Homeopathy believes in treating the underlying symptoms and the person as a whole. Listed below are some of the common homeopathic remedies which have been proven useful during the bouts of vomiting.

  1. Arsenicum Album: If food poisoning is the cause, then this is the best remedy. There is a burning sensation in the stomach along with thirst, and small frequent sips of water are beneficial. The stools are dark, small in amount, and have a foul smell. The person is chilly, exhausted, and anxious.

  2. Ipecacuanha (Ipecac): For prolonged vomiting, this is a good cure. Especially in pregnancy associated with belching and excessive saliva. This is also useful when watching moving objects for prolonged periods induces vomiting. There may be associated abdominal pain after a meal.

  3. Carbo Vegetalis: If the vomiting is associated with indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, and a bloated feeling, carbo vegetalis can be the ideal remedy. Food regurgitation or GERD with a sour taste in the mouth is a good indicator for using this remedy. There is gas in the stomach which causes distention and burping, especially in children, and this remedy is very useful in such cases.

  4. Ignatia: Vomiting is brought on by emotional stressors, associated with depression and trying to curb this feeling. The person may be crying and have mood swings and sleeplessness. This is also used in children who may complain of a lump in the throat. In children especially, everything that is said will be taken very personally.

  5. Nux Vomica: This helps relieve nausea associated with gas and bloating sensation. It is especially useful in pregnancy where the person can be irritable and impatient and have vomiting after eating and in the morning. There is constant sense of retching. Children who have eaten too much food can be treated with this remedy. The child could also have stomach pain, headache, and irritability.

  6. Antimonium crudum or Ant-c: The tongue is coated with a white layer and vomiting occurs soon after eating or drinking. There could be history of eating indigestible foods or overloaded stomach.

  7. Kreosote: When undigested food stays in the stomach for prolonged periods or used in vomiting associated with cancerous growths and kidney diseases.

  8. Aethusa: If a child is vomiting curd-like material followed by exhaustion, this is a good solution. The hungry child eats and goes through the bout of nausea, and the cycle repeats.

These are some simple homeopathic medicines; however, bear in mind that these should be taken only under supervision. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a homeopath.