What Are The Best Days/ Fertile Days In Menstrual Cycle To Get Pregnant?
Fertile days are the period in which there are maximum chance of ovulation and having physical relationship in this period will help the patient to become pregnant sooner.
Patients often ask this question regarding what are the best days to become pregnant or fertile days. Some patients with little bit knowledge think that they are from 12 th day of menstrual cycle to 18th day. Is it true in all cases?
The answer is no. It is not true in all cases.
If your menstrual cycle is of 30 days then you deduct 14 days from it (that would be usually the day of ovulation, which will be 16 th day. Now have variation of 4 days. This way for a regularly menstruating women every 30 days. Most fertile days will start from 12th day of menses to 20th day of menses. Likewise for a women who menstruates every 40 days the fertile days would be 22th day of menses to 30 th day of menses. If a womens menstruate every 24 days in such case fertile days would be 6 th day of menses till 14th day.
Many a times little bit of variation in days happens. So in such cases you have to take an average of last three months. E. G. For 1st month she menstruates on 28 th day, next month 32 nd day, next month 30 th day. In such case average of last three months would be 30 days. And now count fertile days by deducting 14 from average figure 30. Plus add variation of 4 days. That would be 12th to 20th days.
Wish you the best.