What Are The Causes of Kidney Disorder?
Kidney disorders will make an individual’s kidney ineffective in cleaning the blood. The kidney will also lose its ability to filter the supplementary water as well as to control the pressure of the blood in the body.
When an individual is infected with kidney disease, extra fluids, and waste products, may start accumulating in the body. This leads to ankle swelling, tiredness, vomiting, sleeping problems, and trouble breathing. If left untreated, the symptoms will make the disease worse and may result in total kidney failure. In medical terminology, kidney failure is usually referred to as acute renal failure or kidney failure. This may even lead to death.
Some of the common causes of kidney disorders include:
Insufficient blood flow to the kidneys
Harm to the kidneys directly by themselves
When the flow of urine is obstructed in the kidneys
Some of the common reasons for kidney damage include:
Road accidents, resulting in excess blood loss
Severe sepsis
When the bloodstream gets excess protein because of the breakdown of muscle tissues
Blockage in the flow of urine due to an inflamed prostate
Side effects of medication taken for the underlying medical disorders
Women facing troubles, such as eclampsia as well as preeclampsia during their pregnancy
Chronic kidney infection
Autoimmune infections
There are also undefined reasons for kidney damage, such as living an unhealthy lifestyle. When you feel that your kidneys are not functioning properly for more than three months, it is always safe to have a detailed discussion with your family doctor, let him know about your existing kidney troubles. This will allow you to protect the health of your kidneys and prevent the symptoms from worsening further. A healthy pair of kidneys will allow you to lead a healthy lifestyle by draining out the extra fluids as well as the wastes from your body regularly.