What Are The Signs Of Pre-Menopause In Women?
Menopause is categorized into three stages: Premenopause, Menopause, and Postmenopause.
During all these stages, women experience a gradual change in hormones. This article discusses the pre-menopause stage and its symptoms.
Pre-menopause is also referred to as perimenopause. It starts several years before menopause and is known as the menopause transition period. During this period, the ovaries start to make less estrogen. This generally starts when the women are in their 40s, however, it may start in their 30s or even earlier depending upon the functionality of the hormones.
Pre-menopause continues till menopause when the ovaries completely stop releasing eggs. In the last few years of pre-menopause, the estrogen level drops rapidly. During this stage, women notice the symptoms of menopause.
Pre-menopausal Period -
The average time period for pre-menopause is about 4 years. However, some women experience this stage ranging from a few months to 10 years. This stage or period ends when a woman has no periods for 12 months.
Signs and Symptoms of Pre-menopause -
Women going through the pre-menopausal stage may experience all or a few following symptoms:
Irregular Periods: This is one of the most common symptoms of pre-menopause as during this stage there is less production of estrogen hormones. This causes irregular periods and leads to discontinuation of the menstrual cycle.
Hot Flashes: It is a sudden sensation of warmth around the neck, face, and chest, which leads to excessive sweating. It is also a common symptom of pre-menopause and menopause. However, it more common during menopause than pre-menopause.
Worse Pre-menstrual Syndrome: The Pre-menstrual Syndrome refers to emotional and physical symptoms women experience a few weeks before her periods, for example, tired feeling, bloating, irritability, and mood changes, etc. During the pre-menopause, these symptoms gradually get worse.
Breast Tenderness: Breast tenderness or tightness is defined as a sudden and sharp pain in one or both breasts.
Lower Sex Drive: Another problem that pre-menopausal women experience is lower sex drive, which results due to the decreased level of estrogen.
Fatigue: Fatigue refers to a lack of energy or a feeling of tiredness. During the pre-menopause, there are a lot of things happening inside the body due to change in the hormones which causes pre-menopausal fatigue.
Vaginal Dryness: Lower level of estrogen causes vaginal tissue to get drier and thinner. Due to this reason, women experience vaginal dryness during pre-menopause.
Urine Leakage While Sneezing or Coughing: Low level of estrogen causes thinning of the lining of the urethra.
Discomfort During Sex: Pre-menopause can also decrease libido and affect the arousal which results in painful sex.
Mood Swings: Due to hormonal changes during this stage, women may feel mood swings.
Urinary Urgency: Stress incontinence is also very common during this stage.
Trouble Sleeping: Pre-menopausal women also experience sleeping problems due to hormonal changes.
Take Away -
These pre-menopausal symptoms are normal if they occur at the right age (the age when pre-menopausal is normal).