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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023

What is Healthy Diet?

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Dt. Shilpa MittalDietitian/Nutritionist • 29 Years Exp.B.H.Sc (Food Science & Nutrition), M.H.Sc (Food Science & Nutrition)

Hello friends, I’m going to take you through a journey of letting you know what diet actually is. The word diet, or rather going to a dietician actually scares us, isn’t it? We start thinking about giving up on our favourite foods, or starvation, or fasting, the do's, the dont's, in simple terms is like just eating soups and salads, isn’t it?

So let’s see what diet actually is. If we see today’s generation, we all are multitasking. We are into so many things. The generation is very stressful, competitive, and demanding, isn’t it? There are many changes we have made to cope up with the present generation, and most important change I feel we have made is in the eating habits.

With many of us working, most of us have half of our meals outside. Just because of the simple reason we are very tired to cook, or we currently have no time to cook. So basically, we do not exercise, we eat outside food. On regular basis, if you keep eating outside food, it taxes your digestive system, which has to work really hard to actually process those toxins and throw it out of the body. And over a long period of time, it will start showing you in terms of gas, acidity, or constipation.

Apart from that, stress is a part and parcel of our life. When the stress levels are too high, we resort to unhealthy things like smoking, alcohol etc. So all this coupled up can lead to a lot of complication. As such we are seeing a lot of increase in diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid, cancer, early menopause, early puberty, early greying of hair. So is there a solution to this? I would put it as it’s not a rocket science. We all know that we should eat healthy, in the terms that our plate should be full of more of fruits, salads, proteins, and less of junk food, or rather, no junk food or packaged foods at all.

We also know that we need to exercise, and should not remain sedentary. Or even if you exercise in the gym for an hour, and sit on your chair in the office for the whole day, it’s equally dangerous. So you need to be active throughout the day. And we also know that we should be calm, quiet and less stressful.

So we all know that this is the prescription for a healthy living, but are we practising it? If we are practising it, great. If not, then we have to, it’s high time that we should ask ourselves the reason as to why? I’ll tell you what does our health depend on. The health depends on three things.

One is the energy intake, what you actually eat, the energy output, that is the amount of calories which you burn, and your metabolic rate.

Metabolic rate is an inbuilt calorie burning rate which is required for an involuntary function of the body, like for your digestion, for breathing, for respiration, for detoxification, etc. now what is the main formula of maintain a healthy weight? It’s like eat right to be healthy. Don’t go on a diet to reduce weight, but eat right. Now, what does that eat right consist of? It consists of what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat, in simple terms. Now what to eat is less of processed food and more of foods in the natural form, like raw foods. When to eat is try and have five to six meals in a day. And how to eat again is try not to eat overcooked food.

For a temporary phase, if you do it for a temporary period of time, the results will always be short-term or short-lived. To get a permanent result and not fall into the trap of yo-yo dieting, try and follow a healthy diet. Everyone is different, and there are different diets for different people. Like, ice cream may be the cure for acidity for someone, and it can be a cause of weight gain for someone. Similarly, banana can help someone reduce weight, and for others it may cause weight gain. So each one of us is different, and this calorie and the nutrient requirement varies with your age, with the stage of life you are in to, with your blood parameters, with your nutritional levels.

So don’t just follow any kind of diet blindly. Get a customized diet for yourself, and I think it’s a must to get a customized diet once in your lifetime. We at Shilp’s Nutrilife we do that, customize your diet plan, and help you stay committed to your healthy goals throughout the life.

For further information, please connect to me at

Thank you.

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