Why Is Laparoscopic Surgery Done?
There are many kinds of conditions and symptoms that require different kinds of surgery for treatment as well as diagnostic management. One such procedure is called a laparoscopy or the laparoscopic surgery. This is a surgical diagnostic as well as therapeutic management procedure that is known to be done with minimal invasion and suitable for various types of ailments.
Read on to know everything about laparoscopic surgeries.
Definition: A laparoscopic surgery is one where small incisions are made and an instrument called a laparoscope is used in order to take a look at the organs in the abdominal region. This tool is a long tube-shaped one that comes with its own high-intensity light and a high-resolution camera that can easily move along the walls of the organs while the camera sends back imagery that will be displayed on a video screen in front of the doctor. This avoids the need for open surgery and helps the patients recover quickly from surgery due to minimal pain and bloodloss.
Need for Laparoscopy: This procedure is performed by an experienced General surgeon when the patient complains of various abdominal ailments and surrounding areas like the pelvic cavity. It is effectively used in various abdominal problems like gallstones, appendix, removal of various abdominal organs
The Organs it can be also be used for: The laparoscopic surgery can be used for many organs including, the pelvic region and the reproductive organs, the small and large intestines, the spleen, the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas.
What all can it Detect: The laparoscopic surgery can help in detecting a number of issues including any abnormal growth or mass that may be a tumor. It can also point at the presence of any infectious diseases like tuberculosis. Also, it can show the amount of fluid that may or may not be present in the abdominal cavity and the extent of cancer's progression in the body.