Why One Should Choose Psychotherapy?
I am Sheetal Bidkar, I am a clinical psychologist and addiction therapist working with Suasth One Step Clinic. Suasth One Step Clinic is the deaddiction and Wellness clinic we treat people with substance abuse disorder and we treat people who have a problem with mental health issues.
In a layman language, if I wanted to tell you that we deal with people who consume alcohol, drugs, tobacco, cigarettes or either they are suffering from habits like gambling, internet addiction, pornography, sex addiction and so on. Mental wellness issues, we talk with people, we cure people with those who are suffering from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, schizophrenia, psychosis fears and so on. Our service is balance both the things one is giving medicine, we have a team of a psychiatrist and a psychologist who deals with people need help. Psychiatrists give you medication, so medicines help you to treat your biological dysfunctions and the chemical problems due to your disorder. Psychotherapy helps you to understand and overcome behavioural changes, psychotherapy helps you to deal with the life skills which helps you to deal with your disease in a better way.
Now let's understand how psychotherapy works because medicine is something which we understand works very prominently and all of us aware that some people feel comfortable taking medicines, some people feel that medicine, especially in psychiatry, is not advisable. However, the balance of medicine and balance of psychotherapy works better, if we want long term recovery we need medication along with therapy, in some cases if the disease is at an early stage only psychotherapy also can help. Let's talk more about psychotherapy today, being a clinical psychologist and addiction therapist big part of my job is to talk to people about why they are suffering and how to deal with their present symptoms and lead towards recovery and enjoy full lives.
Psychotherapy allows people to develop inside about whether they have a problem or not. Clinical assessments and psychological tests help people to understand the severity of their symptoms. If they are in denial that I don't think that I have a problem but the family people can understand there is something really wrong with the individual. Then we conduct motivational interviewing and some sessions for inside building, we believe that if you know your problem you will deal with your problem effectively. The second part, once you know your problem, once you know your symptoms, once you have an inside, then the question is developing the life skills if you have an inside, if you already understand that yes I am anxious many of times or I am consuming alcohol these days in an extra amount and then the million-dollar question to you is why you are suffering, despite of you are having inside, what are the personality traits or what are the environmental triggers keeping you in the dysfunctional behaviour.
Psychotherapy allows you to understand your thinking pattern, your behaviour pattern, your perceptions about the situation. It also allows you to learn many techniques like relaxation technique, thought to stop technique, in addiction particularly, craving management techniques these are the behavioral skills sets allow you to take charge of your life and symptoms and leave towards recovery. The third and most important part is about when I complete my treatment, I should not go back to a similar kind of symptoms again, so we call it a relapse prevention plan and continuous scare. So I am dealing with my condition now and I will see to that I will build the network around it so that the recovery becomes easy. We involve family people, we call them for family sessions even after the individual therapy people need support for continuous recovery. If your family people are also aware of what precautions to be taken, what are the do's and don'ts for you for a long time recovery then recovery becomes, the recovery journey become very enjoyable.
The last part of the therapy is a continuous SCARE as I told you most of the diseases and symptoms are relapse prone, in the sense you may not experience after the treatment you may not experience these symptoms for a short period of time says 6 months, 1 year or one and a half year, some people complain that after a period they again start getting the similar kind of symptoms. In that case, we can prevent you from going back to the same chronic conditions by allowing you to come for follow-ups, by allowing you to do the continuous SCARE program. The continuous SCARE program can be done 1 to 1 in the clinic or online.
In case you have any query or questions then you can consult Psychologist in Mumbai, who can provide you the right consultation instantly.