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Last Updated: Oct 23, 2019
Yoga - Know How Does It Help You To Fight 7 Common Diseases!
Dr. Prabhat Kumar BalAyurvedic Doctor • 28 Years Exp.Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Yoga is a great way to get rid of diseases and health conditions from heart problems to back pain, sciatica and depression. There exists a body of research suggesting that yoga is the best healing therapy for improving spine alignment and joint health. But on the flip side, research also suggests that yoga can’t cure cancers though it can help one deal with chemotherapy.
But you can certainly try yoga for these diseases and conditions
- Digestive disorders: There are a number of asanas and pranayamas like the child pose or bala asana and kapalbhati pranayama, which can alleviate indigestion, gas and flatulence. These also help in bowel movement. The Boat pose which is done by stretching your legs and arms straight out parallel in front of you and then raising legs so toes are above eye level is very good for stomach disorders and so is the downward dog pose.
- Back pain: More than 50 percent adults will face back pain due to a number of reasons in their lifetime. Simple stretching or yoga stretches can both help in the prevention of back pain. Tadasana is very good for aligning the vertebral column and getting rid of back pain. Surya namaskar stretches are very helpful too. You can also try Jatara Parivartanasana, Upavista Konasana or forward bends, Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend and Bhujangasana or cobra pose for back pain.
- Heart disease: Bhujangasana or cobra pose stretches the chest, massaging organs inside, including heart, and allowing more blood flow to it, thus stimulating and strengthening heart muscle. Kapalbhati pranayama is also very good for the heart since it increases the absorption of oxygen in the blood. Yoga is proven to be an excellent heart risk improvement practice according to current research too.
- Depression: Anulom vilom pranayama is extremely effective in tackling anxiety and depression. It slows down breathing and is effective against hypertension too when done regularly over a long time. The deep breathing done while doing this pranayama helps slow heart rate and allows the lungs to absorb more oxygen.
- Diabetes: Surya namaskar or the twelve sun salutation poses help control diabetes as it promotes the production of insulin. The corpse pose is good too.
- Headaches: Migraines and headaches are common problems that can be handled using yoga. Poses like Sirsasana that increase the flow of oxygen to the brain can alleviate migraines easily.
- Thyroid disorders: Yoga asanas like shoulder stand, inverted pose, plough pose and the fish pose all help in making the thyroid gland work optimally again. The cobra pose and Ujjayi pranayama also work wonders by re-balancing metabolism and working on the throat reflex pathways to cure thyroid imbalance.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!