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Last Updated: Oct 23, 2019

Yoga - Know Which Asanas Can Help With Osteoporosis!

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Dr. Jiva AyurvedaAyurvedic Doctor • 27 Years Exp.BAMS
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Along with curing anger and stress, yoga is also beneficial in treating osteoporosis, either by itself or in combination with different medicines. Osteoporosis is an illness described by weak and diminishing bones that can result in cracks and fractures in the bones. Some of the postures that can be helpful in treating osteoporosis are as follows:

  1. Utthita trikonasana: Uttihita trikonasana is an expanded triangle posture which is helpful in curing many diseases. Along with diminishing the side effects of osteoporosis, it additionally avoids soreness, increases strength and gets rid of spinal pain. Begin this posture by standing straight with your legs separated by four feet. Then, extend the arms to the ground with the palm facing downwards. Slide the left leg across the right side of your body. You need to slide it behind the left leg. Now extend your right leg towards the left side of your body. This will leave you in a sitting position. Where your right leg is placed on top of your left leg, make sure both your knees are on top of each other. Now straighten your body to an upright position.
  2. Ardha chandrasana: This asana is also called as the half-moon posture. This posture comes under hatha yoga and is beneficial for various medical issues, for example, osteoporosis, menstrual issues, exhaustion, sciatica and stomach-related cramps. You can practice this pose to get rid of osteoporosis and appreciate a sound body.
  3. Padangusthasana: This stance delicately stretches and strengthens persistently tight hamstrings.
  4. Adho mukha svanasana: It is one of yoga's most commonly practiced postures. Adho mukha svanasana offers a definitive wholesome, reviving stretch.
  5. Utthita hasta padangustasana: In this pose, keeping up the balance while standing on one foot strengthens your endurance capabilities.
  6. Utthita parsvakonasana: Discover the flexibility in your sides of the body from your heel to your fingertips with an extended side angle pose.
  7. Utthita trikonasana: It is a broadened triangle posture and is important as a standing posture in many styles of yoga.
  8. Ardha chandrasana: Make proper balance with your leg and the lower part of your leg as you look for strength and flexibility into this adjusting posture.
  9. Parivrtta parsvakonasana: This revolved side angle pose, a variation of utthita parsvakonasana requires a considerable measure of adaptability to bend flexibly and balance on the back heel.
  10. Uttanasana: Uttanasana will awaken your hamstrings and will help you to calm your brain.
  11. Urdhva dhanurasana: Urdhva dhanurasana can help in strengthening your arms, legs, abdomen and spine all at once.
  12. Virabhadrasana: Named after a wild warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, this adaptation of a warrior pose increases the stamina.

Yoga is one of the most secure measures and medicines for osteoporosis. It is something that anyone of any age can do at any place. The advantages are numerous and dangers are few if done properly.

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