Hi, I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for last 10 years, without much difficulties like itching, bleeding and all. It never bothers me at all. One month ago, one day, I sat on floor cross-legged for almost 5 hrs or so continuously. For the next two days I suffered a lot of pain in the hemorrhoids and it swelled like a balloon. However, the pain subsided and on the next day I noticed a bit of pus in my undergarments. I had ciprofloxacin 500 bd for 5 days. Applied hydrocortisone cream on all these days. After one week, the pus stopped coming out. But it has restarted again. Can you please guide me which medicine to have or apply?
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First of all, I would like to ask how did you diagnose you had hemorrhoids if you did not have any any symptoms. Did you get urself checked by a doctor and was diagnosed? Now coming to your present condition, the symptoms as it seems is possibly not due to hemorrhoids.in my opinon I think you developed a perianal abscess. Which is a infected swelling and pain in the anal region. It ruptured on its own after you took antibiotics and pus came out. Now it has developed a perianal fistula. U need to consult a surgeon to get examined and disgnosed. In the meantime, you can take 1. Sitz bath twice /thrice daily (sit in a tub of warm water). 2.take laxative. Syears cremaffin 30 ml at night you will need plan out surgery with your sergeon if its perianal fistula. Â
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Are u constipated. 1. Take home cooked, fresh light food. Take a lot of green vegetables n fruit. 2. Increasing the fibre in your diet 3. Increasing your fluid intake 4. Avoid fast foods, spicy n fried foods 5. Maintain active life style 6. Curd is good for u. 7. Avoiding straining Homeopathy has very encouraging results. Consult online with detailsÂ
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It could be a case of anal fistula. So better get yourself examined by an ano rectal specialist. If he confirms it as anal fistula; then you should not get it operated as in about 25-30 % cases fistula recurs after surgery and other complications like stool incontinence (inability to hold stool) are also there. However anal fistula can be completely treated by graded ksharsutra treatment. No hospitalization or bed rest is required in this treatment. You can continue your normal routine activities as usual during treatment. For further support you may contact at sushruta ano rectal institute. Â
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This situation can be identified by face to face only. After seen the proper situation I can give the medicine to apply or to take laxatives which is more effective treatments for you. Â
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Your this problem of pus coming out from anal region may be due to a burst perianal abscess and fistula. It needs to be examined first by a surgeon near you to confirm diagnosis. In haemorrhoids there is no pus discharge. So you this problem looks like perianal abscess or fistula in ano. No role of ciprofloxaxin and hydrocortisone ointment. Go see a surgeon near you then take medicine. Â
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Namaste, as you complain of pus in under garments-its suggest of fistula or absccess. So you may have to go for surgeon and proper examination and do the need full investigation. Do not take it lightly, pls.and no self medication.Â
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Hello regards. Seems like you have a chronic problem of haemmorhoids but right now your problem is a perianal fistula, which is an infection of anal glands. It's not life threatening but the problem is it will go off it's own only to come back in a month or so. I suggest into consult a good proctologist or a general surgeon and get urself examined. He may suggest an mri of the area to confirm the diagnosis. Till then avoid taking meat n take lots of fluids maintain local hygiene n keep the area clean. Do warm tub baths with warm water and dettol twice a day. And if puss comes out you can take a course of antibiotics that time. Also get your blood sugars done. Stay safe regards. Â
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