I have bilateral pcos and trying to conceive, my Dr. advised to take letroze for day 2 to5, progynova for 6 to 10 days and 16 th day to 25 th day susten 200. Course completed bt periods did not come I did home pregnancy test on 14 th day bt negative. Is there chances of pregnancy. What to do further.
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Hello, there is no sure treatment for pcos in allopathy, keep trying for pregnancy and consult with ayurvedic doctor, as these hormonal therapy may responsible for weak featus formation.
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Was folliculometry done? If ovulation was not confirmed, chances of pregnancy are unclear. You may wait for one more week and repeat the urine pregnancy test if period doesn't come. If it is still negative or you get your periods, consult your gynecologist for intrauterine insemination.
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Hello! if progynova is taken so early in the cycle, it can suppress the follicular development. It should be taken only when indicated and after you have sufficient sized follicles, which will be decided by your doctor.
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