7 years ago
Along with these complaints if you have nasal blockage and cold then it may be due to AOM, you should take steam inhalation and avoid cold drinks, ice cream etc. You als ...read full answer
male • 22 Year Old • Mar 30, 2017 • Surat
Please help docs. I am having unusual sneezing when I woke up .it continues till 10 minutes. And then it automatically go away. What should I do? This started around two ...read more
7 years ago
You must be sffering from allergi rhinitis, you take T. Levocetrizine 1 tab in evening atleast for 3 weeks.
When phone's battery is low to last bar, don't answer the call because radiation is 1000 times stronger....read more
Warm compress with a soft piece of cloth to eases pain due to middle ear infection....read more
Do not clean the ears with pins, keys, pens or any sharp instruments....read more