6 years ago
Hi. Orthodontic treatment or braces do not lead to weakening of teeth. It is the most preferred and successful treatment method to close gaps between teeth. Please get i ...read full answer
female • Jul 14, 2018 • Pune
Hi Sir, I am 18 years old girl. I appeared for competitive exams last month. I lost someone close to me last month. 1 month ago, I started dental treatment of metal brac ...read more
6 years ago
Hi. Braces cannot lead to so many psychological and physical problems which you are facing. You should consult a doctor regarding your symptoms.
male • 25 Year Old • Sep 25, 2016 • Noida
I am 28 years old and having toothache water feels a lot in mouth What should I do?
8 years ago
You are having sensitivity to cold water which may be due to a cavity in some tooth or due to some other reason. Please visit a dentist and get the cavity removed and fi ...read full answer
male • 29 Year Old • Sep 24, 2016 • Delhi
I have a long tooth, misplaced, is filing possible in a short time? If Yes, the cost can assess how much?
8 years ago
The procedure you want would be undertaken depending on the placement of the tooth. Because unnecessary grinding of tooth can lead to sensitivity. Please visit a dentist ...read full answer