Kegel is named after renowned gynaecologist Arnold Kegel. Kegel exercises are for the strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. You must continue doing Kegel exercises multiple times for several days, to begin to see changes and benefits. Benefits more
Regular medical checkups and tests can be very helpful in prevention of cancer and growth of malignant cells or tumours. With the increase in the rates of cervical cancer, gynaecological checkups are of utmost need. For effective cervical cancer more
What is a vaginal rash? Although vaginal rashes can be identified with non infectious conditions, for example, hypersensitive responses and contact dermatitis, many are because of sexually transmitted diseases. The zone around the vagina might be more
The term infertility in females explains a wide range of disorders but in order to simplify things, lets just say, infertility in women is a condition in which women are unable to conceive. There are numerous reasons that can be responsible for more
Breast cancer begins when the cells that are present in the breast start to go out of control. These cells generally form a tumor which can be seen on mammogram or one can feel it as a lump. The tumor is threatening if the cells can grow into the more