Advanced Dermatology & Hair Transplant Clinic
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Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Dermatologist/ Cosmetologist, Hair Transplant Surgeon.Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with t...read more
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I am Dr. Sunakshi, I am a dermatologist, aesthetic physician and hair transplant surgeon. So, today’s topic will be anti-ageing. Ageing is a biological process, and skin ageing is the first sign in the body. It shows as wrinkling, sagging, discolouration, mottled apparition, appearance. So, talking about ageing, there are internal and external factors. Among internal factors, there are genetic conditions, metabolic status and among external factors, the most common is light exposure, iron radiation, pollution, exposure to chemicals and toxins. So, these factors cause structural and physiological changes in the body. So, what are the components that are affected by ageing, they are three components, the most important being collagen, which is degraded more than production in the body, that causes wrinkling and sagging. The second component is glycosaminoglycans known as GAGS, which helps in water binding, so they are not able to function optimally, which leads to dryness and dullness of skin. The third component is hyaluronic acid which functions both like collagen and GAG, even the hyaluronic acid production is decreased in the body, which causes ageing of the skin. So, what can we do about ageing? We can prevent as well as treat ageing to some extent. So, to prevent, most important prevention is a sunscreen, which should be broad-spectrum suncream, because it prevents UVA that is ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B exposure. Among prevention can be cell deviators like retanols, because they boost collagen production and skin tightening. Another prevention can be anti-oxidants which can be topical as well as oral. So they come as vitamin C, vitamin E which can be applied on a daily basis, and even anti-oxidant tablets can help with anti-ageing to some extent.
So, coming to the treatment part, the least can be chemical peel. Chemical peels are medicated products which are a little bit higher concentration than over the counter medicines. So they are done by certified professionals, dermatologists and skin clinics. So, they can be superficial, medium and deep peels depending on the extent of the damage. It has to be decided by the trained professional. So, the next treatment option can be laser or light treatment. There are light devices like IPM which target different components of the body. They can target pigmentation, redness, collagen synthesis and also glow. There are other laser devices like Q switched, NDR laser and few fractional lasers like CODU and FBM lasers. So they boost collagen production. And there are procedures now known as laser toning because it helps in glow and skin tightening and also reduces the pores which are another sign of anti-ageing. So, the next treatment option can be injectables which come as filler and botulinum filler injections. So, filler as the name suggests helps in filling the gaps, smoothens the skin, and also admins the skin. So, there can be semi-permanent, permanent or temporary depending on the composition, the hyaluronic acid filler is the gold standard filler which is done by a trained professional. Fillers help in augmenting the skin helps in smoothening the skin, and also helps in sagging and ageing signs. It also boosts collagen synthesis so the skin, even though it is semi-permanent or temporary, the result is not going to be zero. There is always collagen production after the filler is absorbed. So, the next modality is botulinum toxin injection that helps in dynamic lines, so talking about lines, there are dynamic, which are expression lines and there are permanent lines which are known as static lines. So, botulinum toxin injections help in dynamic lines, because it helps in relaxing certain muscles, which relaxes the expressions firming the dynamic lines. So, it helps with frown lines, glabellar lines, cross feet, which are the first signs of ageing. So, how does it act? It acts on the nerve blocks, it blocks the nerve transmission which further causes muscle relaxation and smoothening of skin. So, there are no side effects as such, but it should be done by a trained professional because it requires a good knowledge of the anatomy of the muscles and vessels. The other injectable can be PRP therapies, the other fancy name for PRP is Vampire Facial, which helps in synthesis of collagen and certain growth factors, which helps in skin firming. PRP has certain growth factors which help in the synthesis of collagen and tissue augmentation. So it again helps in both dynamic and static lines, the open pores and dullness of skin. Another modality can be hormone replacement therapy. So, there are various hormones in the body which are degraded due to the ageing process, mostly being DHEA, thyroid hormones, there are hormones in the body like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone which are decreased due to ageing. So, the hormones replacement is successful with few of them like DHEA, estrogen and testosterone. If they help in improving the quality of life, sexual activity, as well as body functioning. So these are the treatment modalities for the ageing of the skin. I am a certified dermatologist and aesthetic physician. You can contact me at the address or through Lybrate for antiageing procedures.
Thank You!
Hi, I'm Dr Sunakshi. I am a dermatologist and hair transplant surgeon in ADHD clinic in Kalkaji. Today I will be talking on PRP.
PRP is an abbreviation for platelet rich plasma which is prepared from whole Blood. The PRP is written certain growth factors which help in various conditions like hair fall in skin rejuvenation and in fat transfer. So talking about the indications of PRP, it is used in aesthetic procedures as well as other conditions like wound healing and in dental procedures. So how we prepare PRP varies according to the kit that is used which also gives a different result.
So about preparation we need to withdraw some amount of blood are usually with donor 25 to 30 ml of blood and then we centrifuge it at 4000 RPM. The best result is after 15 minutes of centrifugation. Then we take the uppermost layer which is the plasma rich PRP and we need to activate the PRP with certain activators like calcium before injection. There are various kits as I talked earlier. The kits come as Genesis CS. Then there is region lab kit which have different anti cobelans that give a different result. The cost factor also values according to the kit used. So the PRP is then injected into the areas where it is required, it can be injected superficially into the skin in the areas of wrinkles that is around the eyes around the mouth corners it can be injected on the forehead and also cheeks for some tissue augmentation.
So this way it helps in facial rejuvenation which is also known as Vampire Facelift. In hair condition, there are conditions like androgenic alopecia where there is a pattern hair loss. We also use PRP in these conditions along with other modalities like derma rulers. Few sessions are required. Almost minimum three to four sessions are required for any indication. So these sessions can be done once in a month or maximum 45 days to 2 months. This is the intent to face that I said for three to four months and then there are also maintained session that can be required in six months or one year according to the result. So PRP can be a various type. It can be pure PRP or it can be fibrin PRP. Fibrin PRP is inner gel form which is used for wound healing but pure PRP is a liquid form that can be injected.
So for PRP, a candidate has to be fit. Regarding the platelet count and some conditions like HIV, hepatitis, VDRL has to be tested before the procedure is done. So once all these tests are within normal limits, PRP can be done.
So I have already talked on the indications and the procedure. We are doing it in ADHD clinic since two years now and we are given promising results.
So if there are any queries or requirement you can contact me through Lybrate.
Hi, I am Dr Sunakshi. I am a dermatologist and hair transplant surgeon. Today I will be talking on hairfall.
Hairfall as we all know is a natural phenomenon. Up to hundred strands of hairfall in a day is called normal. But more than 100 strands in a day is alarming. We should start looking for the cause of hairfall.
So, first I will discuss the various causes of hairfall. The most common form that we see in our population is pattern baldness. It is present s male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness.
In the male pattern, the hairline recedes and there is thinning of hair over the front and crown area which is progressive. There is grading for this pattern which progresses from grade 1 to grade 7. We decide the treatment according to the severity of the baldness. So, it starts as thinning of the hair root and it progresses to the stage where the hair root is lost.
In female pattern baldness, there is widening of the hair partition area and there is thinning of hair over the crown area. Male pattern baldness is basically because of the male hormone testosterone which acts at the receptors, DHT present on the hair follicle. For this hormones basically, cause hairfall in the front and crown area. The hair on the back and the side area of the head are resistant to the hormone because they do not have DHT receptor. When the baldness is mild and when there is only thinning, it can be corrected with medical treatment which comes in the form of minoxidil lotions, various supplements which come in the combination of various vitamins and minerals available for hair growth.
The other medical treatments are PRP (platelet rich plasma). It is extracted from the blood of the patient and it is injected into the area of thinning. PRP contains various growth factors which are helpful in hair regrowth. The severe stage of baldness when the hair root diminishes is a stage when hair transplant is done. In this hair is taken, the roots are extracted from the donor area as I mentioned in the back and the side area, the follicles are extracted and then they are implanted in the recipient area.
General care should also be done for hair fall. Like frequent wash is important. If there is a problem of dandruff, anti-dandruff shampoos should be started to control hair fall. Diet should be supplemented. It should be rich basic vitamins and minerals which are present in green leafy vegetables. Proteins should be taken I the fo0rm of eggs and fruits.
Treatment of hair fall are medical and surgical. We decide the treatment according to the severity of the baldness. When the stage is mild and there is thinning over the front and crown area, medical treatment is recommended. Supplements are started which comes in the combination of vitamins and minerals which help in hair regrowth. There are lotions available like monoxidal lotions as a combination of nutrient which help in hair regrowth. Supplements are given which comes in oral tablets which are combination of vitamins and minerals which help in hair regrowth. The other medical treatments are PRP (platelet rich plasma). It is extracted from blood of the patient and it is injected into the area of thinning to combat hair thinning and hair regrowth.
The severe stage of baldness when the hair root diminishes is a stage when hair transplant is done. In this hair is taken, the hair follicles are extracted from the donor area as I mentioned in the back and the side area, the follicle are extracted and then they are implanted on the recipient area.
Other treatments available is general care like care of dandruff, anti-dandruff shampoos for twice a week.Frequent washing should be done in monsoon seasons specially. Diet should be supplemented, junk foods and unhealthy foods should be avoided to decrease the oil secretion which can further enhance the dandruff problem.
Now coming to female pattern hairloss, it is mostly nutritional or hormonal. A thorough check-up has to be done for hormonal causes and for nutritional the most common cause is iron deficiency. There are other causes of hairfall, present in different forms. There are auto-immune disorders like alopecia areata which presents as patchy hairloss over the head. It can be present in other areas of your body like armpits, beard eyebrows. Coming to other causes, there are fungal and bacterial infections which have to be treated to treat hairfall.
These days, trauma that is traction alopecia is seen to be increasing. Tight ponytails and chemical treatments like rebonding causes pressure on the roots especially on the front and side area which causes a pattern of hairloss which is traction alopecia.
There are various myths regarding hairfall. So to clarify, to clear and to treat hairfall you should consultant a dermatologist or a specialist in the field to know the specific cause of hairfall and treat it accordingly.
To connect with me, you can connect me through Lybrate by video call or text messages.
Thank you.
Doctor in Advanced Dermatology & Hair Transplant Clinic
Doctor in Advanced Dermatology & Hair Transplant Clinic
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2 reviewsAdvanced Dermatology & Hair Transplant Clinic Reviews
Mar 07, 2023Good
May 27, 2017I visited dr, sunakshi for my skin allergy which was at, they did necessary tests and generated my report. I have taken full course and after the finish of my course, I am totally alright at this point. Much obliged you specialist singh....read more
Apr 25, 2017I was having hairfall problem, as i am 31 female. She has given me adequate time to confirm what the actual cause was for this prblem and also did numerous test to cross verify. Its been 5 months now that I have been taking the endorsed medicines and I am impressed to see the outcomes. My hair have ...read more
May 21, 2017I went to dr. singh for my Skin allergy disease treatment and I had facial hair issues which i was dealing with, so when i couldn?t take it more i decided to visit dr. sunakskhi singh after reading the reviews.I am Happy with Doctor invitingness and Clarification of the therapeutic issue. Disease wa...read more
May 08, 2017I suffered from rashes of skin, so I visited dr. sunakshi singh as she has an good knowledge on skin issues resolving. Its been a really good experience. The staff at the center were mannered and kind. The doctor was obliging and listened and inspected my issue quiet well. I have recently started th...read more