Dr. Vikas Khanna's Counseling & Hypnotherapy Clinic - Rajouri Garden
Psychologist Clinic
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Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Counselling Psychologist, Mental Health Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Relationship Counsellor, Sexologist...read more
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Depression is a mood disorder that involves a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It is different from the mood fluctuations that people regularly experience as a part of life.
I am Dr. Vikas Khanna, Psychologist. Today I will talk briefly about which every individual face i.e. lack confidence. A lot of people come and say that they lack confidence. Most of them are very competent, skilled and they are doing good in the profession or the studies. Why do they face lack confidence? We all have our set of confidence, skills, positives, and negatives. Since no one is perfect, we have our own set of assets. Something which you are not good at the outcome would be lack of confidence. So, if I focus on how good I am technical, I would be a very underconfident person. Since I am focused, what I am good at, I am a confident person. It is like fishes are made to climb a tree, they would not be confident. So, it is very important for all of us to know 2 things, we all have our set of skills, assets, and quality in which we are not very good. And that is how it would be. There is no one who is perfect. And it is very essential to focus on what you are good at. It would be a very good exercise if you write down on a piece of paper.
What you are good at and your past achievements. At times, there are some unfavorable outcomes in your career, academics and that pushes you down but that is just a phase. You have to recall in the past. You have to see what you have done in your life to get back that confidence. Lastly, it is very important to subconsciously program yourself be associated with what you are good at, what achievements you have made in the past and you have to understand that there would be ups and down. So, down is just a phase and it does not mean that you have become someone who is not capable and competent. It is just a phase and you will spring back.
Thank You.
I am Dr. Vikas Khanna. I working as counselor and corporate trainer in Delhi and Gurgaon. I will be talking about Procrastination And indecisiveness. So, first we will talk about procrastination. Lots of people have work to do but they are not able to do that. They just keep pushing that work. It can be because you do not like the work which has been assign to you. Let's talk about other dementia. Where you want to do a certain action and you are not able to do it and pushing it ahead.
It can be because you are stuck to the pros and cons. The more you act mentally, the less you act physically. So, there are pros and cons of everything. How to manage this. Can you be a little more spontaneous? So, a sequenced approach is needed with very limited analysis. Many people spend their life on the bank of the river. Wants to take a deep but still analyzing. If there are 2 many things you want to withdraw. You do not want to react. A touch of indecisiveness.
You should be confident about your work. No one can give you any surety about any outcome. You have to do relative. And then you have to take a plunge. But indecisiveness is a kind of funny demand of outcome. And the outcome can never be perfect. So, why not to take a plunge. Why not minimize all the analysis. for any other help, you can contact me through Lybrate.
Thank You.
I am Dr. Vikas Khanna. I am working as a counselor in Delhi & Gurgaon. So, today I will talk about premature ejaculation. A very common sexual problem occurring in almost 1/3 of the population. The psychological component which is normally ignored in premature ejaculation is the personality of the individual. People who are agitated, often have this problem. So, the nervous system is very agitated. And one is always in hurry to do things. The conduction of the nerves is very high. And that could be due to the deficiency of zinc and magnesium.
How can we get rid of this problem? There is no magic pill for premature ejaculation. One has to attend to the core personality issues which is always impatient and in hurry to do things. It is always in your head. All sexual problems are rooted in your head. One has to work on personality and see how he can slow down himself on these activities. Indulge in lots of sports like golf. You have to start doing things slowly. As you know the agitation and the stimulation is directly linked to your breathing pattern and sometimes you see your breathing becomes very fast when ejaculation happens. So, relaxation of mind through breathing is mandatory for the sustained sexual act to occur.
Now let's talk about the causes. One has to eat magnesium-rich diet and zinc like almonds, dark chocolates. The most important thing is to work on your patience. Work on your nervous system which is agitated. A lot of people who have anxiety, depression also suffer from premature ejaculation. Couple therapy helps you a lot. Performance anxiety also brings the problem of premature ejaculation. The couple has to be taught that how to be slow down in a sexual act. There are a lot of herbs which also comes in supplements and there are few homeopathic remedies which also help in slowing down the conduction of the nerves. Must remember that the conduction is the desensitization of your nerves and psychology is directly linked with very fast conduction of nerves. For any help, you can consult me at Lybrate.
Thank You.
I'm Dr. Vikas Khanna. I’m working as a counselor cum corporate trainer.
Today I will be talking about a topic called conflict resolution. We all have lot of psychological conflicts. And the basic and the fundamental route of all the conflicts is that you are in between neither right nor to left. First of all you have to identify that what is really you want. Your lot of desires. But we also have contrary opposing desires like I will love to move to a different city, but if I move to a different city there are such challenges, the challenges there. I want to have relationship but that may not work. So that tackiness is in between. Whenever you are in between in any resolution of any conflict is by either going to left or right. So the effort, the effort has to be made to be one-sided to get rid of opposing desires and opposing thoughts. To act physically on your desires and let the mental actions be as less as possible. The more mental action the less is physical action. All the analysis, all the planning, hampers and is the biggest hurdle in your physical action. So why not go to left or right. I wish you wonder action so that all your conflicts remain resolved.
Thank you! And this was Dr. Vikas, you can always contact me through lybrate or you can call me personally. Thank you!
Hello, I am Dr Vikas Khanna and today I will be talking about Breakups and how to move on from Breakups.
This has been surveyed that people who find difficult to move on from breakups are those who have typical memories call bias. They just recall all the good memories of their past relationship. They get stuck in that happiness and that is why it gets difficult for them to move on.
Relationships and breakups are equally common. You move in a relationship and you move out of a relationship.
Today, I will be telling you a simple NLP exercise through which you can move on very quickly, very easily within few days.
Every breakup has a reason, has an issue due to which you and your partner move out of a relationship. But the memory we call bias prevents you from moving on as your subconscious mind is fed with only positive memories and it is considered as something valuable, something missing.
I will tell you a simple exercise. Just recall all the bad memories including the reason for the breakup that could be a verbal abuse, a partner cheating on you and so many other arguments as well. Just compile them in a sequence. Close your eyes and play a movie in the sequence in your mind, one after the other. Just feel the emotions that you had at the time of an argument, at the time your partner cheated. Just visualise that, play it like a movie. The time it is done, just freeze the last scene and paint it white. You should remember that you should be focusing on all the bad memories you had in your past relationship. After you are done, just repeat it 3 times with a complete feeling of emotions which you had, you have "enough is enough" kind of feeling and your subconscious is trained to move on to happiness elsewhere which you did not get in your past relationship.
I wish you a good luck.
If you want to contact me, you can do so through Lybrate, you can even call me or send me a mail.
Thank you,
Here is detail about how to live and cooperate with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder.
Hello! My name is DR. Vikas Khanna and today I’ll be talking very briefly about how to live and cope up with problems like Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder. It is especially for the people and family members of the patients who are suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which the patient lives in his own reality, he has his own imagined reality. His behaviors and his actions are totally disassociated with what we call our normal reality. We all have our own set of realities, we perceive the world in through our colored glasses but the reality of schizophrenic patient has no common ground with the world reality. The disease has a very strong genetic disposition and sadly its prognosis is poor.
So how to cope up with it? How to live up with it? Normally we force the patient to fit himself or herself into the reality of the world which is very disturbing for the patient. We are basically perpetuating the conflict by forcing the reality. They cannot change the reality, for them, that’s the real world. Can we leave them in their own reality and at least do not aggravate the conflict? Similarly, in bipolar disorder, patients normally have episodes of high and episodes of low but we try to fit their highs into what we call normal. Can we let them enjoy their highs and not struggle with their loss?
If there is any further query, you can approach the platform lybrate and you can pose your question through email or call.
Hello, I am Dr Vikass Khanna. I’m working as a counsellor and hypnotist in Gurgaon Delhi. Today I will be talking about depression.
What is depression?
We have all been depressed sometimes in our lives. We’ve all been through ups and downs.
What is clinical depression?
CD is a very vague and broad clubbing of thought patterns. But does depression have a substance, absence of a state you want to be in. Let’s go to the roots of drips. You never visited the roots. The value system of our society which tells us to be someone to be happy to be kind, to be successful is the root of depression. We are always in a state of being someone, be somewhere, we have to be kind, to be more religious, be somewhere. Somewhere where one is not. There lies the conflict of what you are and what you want to be. Life is paly of polar opposites. You have expectations. You will have frustrations. They are eternally linked. If you don’t know the definition of happiness there’s no unhappiness. So why does one want to be in a futuristic state always, all the time, to be someone. As per the culture happiness, expecting something or the other all the time.
Now how do you manage depression?
Either pop a pill, take anti-depressants, which are 3 basically serotonin reuptake inhibitors. They inhibit the serotonin uptake. The chemicals they act till your taking them. In the brain circuits, a lot of adverse effects associated.
What is the other kind of motivation?
Diversion, meditation, which are again suppressions. This suppressing kind of thought, Will you get rid of depression by that? Can you stop struggling to be free of depression? It is your mind which tells that you’re not happy. you’re sad. You should be somewhere. You should be like this. The same mind tells you to be free of depression. It is a moment, a mental moment, a though moment. Both the things can bring about that change.
Can you be depression free by struggling?
To get rid of it. Or increasing the depression like falling into the trap of depression. Can u let go of this struggle? Can you revisit the roots of depression? Expectations that ideal state, you want to be in. ideal state.
For any help enquiry, you can either come through the platform of lybrate or you can contact me directly on my mobile no. I’m available in Gurgaon and Delhi on appointments.
Thank you
Doctor in Dr. Vikas Khanna's Counseling & Hypnotherapy Clinic - Rajouri Garden
Doctor in Dr. Vikas Khanna's Counseling & Hypnotherapy Clinic - Rajouri Garden
Dr. Vikas Khanna
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Aug 02, 2023Very helpful
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Sep 02, 2021Guides as a friend and goes to root cause of the problem. Recommended.
Husen Basha
Apr 09, 2018I found the answers provided by the Dr. Vikas Khanna to be very helpful and knowledgeable. Thank you very much sir
Ashish Kaushal
Jun 25, 2020Dr. Vikas Khanna provides answers that are knowledgeable, very helpful, caring, prompt and professional. Truly a great doctor. Thanks! May God give you even more success to help suffering patients!...read more
Rajesh Barasara
Oct 08, 2020Dr. Vikas Khanna provides answers that are very helpful. Thank you Dr. Vikas. You very honest and helpful with your answer. Thanks again.