Fortis C - Doc Hospital
Psychiatrist Clinic
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Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Neuropsychiatrist.We like to think that we are an extraordinary practice that is all about you - your pote...read more
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Hello, I am Dr Sudeshna Biswas, senior consultant Neuro Psychiatrist attached with Fortis C Doc Hospital, Nehru Place and I have my own clinic at Siya Park. Today,w e are going to discuss a very common disorder, called OCD.
What is OCD?
OCD is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Two terms we get from this name which is Obsessive and Compulsive. So let us first know;
What is Obsession?
Obsession is persistent intrusive recurrent thoughts.
And what is compulsion?
Compulsion is an action which one does to reduce the anxiety related to this obsession.
Now, when do we call that someone has OCD?
When these symptoms of OCD occurs many times in a day or takes a lot of time and is very distressing, then the person should think that he/ she is suffering from OCD. If we talk about the age groups, it is prevalent in all age groups. Males and females are equally having this disorder. So symptoms should be known to detect the OCD.
So, the symptoms we are going to discuss under the sub headings of the OCDs. These are the types of OCDs.
- The most common type of OCD is OCD of contamination followed by washing. Under this, a person starts thinking that all the things around them are dirty and they keep on cleaning the things again and again till the time they get sure that it is cleaned.
- The second most common type of OCD is Obsession of Doubt where a person starts doubting themselves that they have not done the work properly. So he would keep checking the things whether he had done it or not. Like he might check the locks, might check the gas stoves, might check the cylinders, emails, SMS etc.
- The third type of OCD is Obsession of Thoughts. This is one of the obsessions with which we get a lot of patients. Suddenly the thought starts coming to their mind that they can harm someone or thought that someone might do something to them or something bad may happen to them. Some sexual thoughts may come to their mind which is very distressing, sexual thoughts regarding their friends, their relatives or even God or Goddess for which they feel guilty.
- Another type of OCD is Somatic Obsession. In Somatic obsession, people start thinking that something bad is happening in their body and keep on thinking about plenty of disorders which might have happened. They might keep on checking their pulse again and again, considering that their pulse is getting high
- Next type is called Symmetrical Obsession where the person starts keeping the things in very symmetrical order.
- Few more types of Obsession are there like someone might have an obsession of religiosity. In this, people start becoming very religious.
- Some more type of OCD can be where a person might question again and again the same question, or they might tell the same thing, again and again, thinking that the other person is not understanding their point of view. So, this is the Obsession of Questioning.
- The obsession of numbers where a person is obsessed with some particular number. Suppose a person is obsessed with the number 3.4 or 5. So, the person starts doing all the activities according to that number.
- One more thing which is there is hair pulling and nail-biting which can be the part of OCD.
So, these are the symptoms of OCD.
Now coming to the treatment of OCD.
The treatment of OCD is divided into 2 types.
1) Medicinal
2) Therapy- Therapy can be of few types which can be a behavioural therapy. Other types of therapies can be a group therapy, Cognitive behavioural therapy.
So at the end, I just want to tell you that please detect the symptoms as early as possible and you should detect the same in the people around you. And you should reach the professional in your nearby areas.
If you need my help, please reach to me directly by contacting me and seek up an appointment or you can contact the app Lybrate and take up an appointment.
Thank you very much.
Here are Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
Hello, everyone, I am Dr. Sudeshna Biswas senior consultant neuron-psychiatrist attached with Fortis C-DOC Hospital Nehru place and have my own clinic at CR Park. Today we are going to discuss a very common issue Anxiety. Now the moment we hear the word anxiety many questions come to our mind. What is anxiety? How do we know that we are suffering any kind of anxiety disorder? And how do we know that we have to seek any professional help? Does any age group or any sex acceptable to this disorder? So, so many questions come to our mind? So let’s try to find out the answers of these questions?
So now let’s begin with what is anxiety? Anxiety is nothing but Anxiousness in a stressful situation. Now when anxiety becomes overwhelming or starts interfering day to day life that is what anxiety disorder is. So let’s just try to find out what are the symptoms of anxiety disorders so you can detect the symptoms of anxiety disorder of it is there with you at the earliest.
- Now there are two groups of anxiety disorders. The first group, we call it emotional symptoms, the second group is a physical symptom. Now emotional symptom could be in the form of apprehension, restlessness, reduction in the concentration, difficulty in retaining things in your mind that are memory loss. Physical symptoms could be in the form of increased heart rate or a feeling of palpitation, shortness of breath or a stomach upset, numbness in hands and legs, pains in hand and legs, headache, shivering, tremor and some more.
After knowing the symptoms of anxiety disorder let’s talk about what are the types of anxiety disorders?
- Now there are many types of anxiety disorders. I would try to brief few of them. One could be a generalized anxiety disorder. In this generalized anxiety disorder, people have various reasons to feel anxious throughout the day, many thought keeps on coming into their minds of a different variety. Usually, when these symptoms are lasting for at least six months of duration people are considered to be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder.
- There is one more disorder we call obsessive compulsive disorder. In this disorder, people might have frequent washing or checking habits. Once single thoughts which is not acceptable to them coming to their mind again and again. Now again if these thoughts are there for two weeks duration they might be suffering from an obsessive compulsive disorder.
- Some other disorders are there like we call it phobia is nothing but a fear of a particular substance. It could be in the form of fear of heights, fear of crowded spaces, examination phobia which is very common among the children.
- Similar kind of other disorders includes social anxiety disorder. In this people have an anxiety of social situations. People become scared that other people are looking at them, probably criticizing them. They have a problem of public speaking etc. So this is one we call it social anxiety disorder.
- Now few others are post-traumatic stress disorder. In this disorder people might have the anxiety symptoms after a big stress in their life, could be Tsunami for example.
- Another type is called panic disorder. In this all the symptoms which are mentioned in physical symptoms, they usually happen for a short duration and people have the feeling that they are going to die the next moment.
So these are all, in short, the different types of anxiety disorder. We would just come straight away towards the treatment.
Treatment could be medicinal or therapeutic. There is various type of medicines available for such kind of disorder. Therapies are there like relaxation therapies, cognitive behavioral therapies and behavioral therapy and many others. So my request to all the viewers would be that please detect your problem at the earliest and seek the help of your near professional because this is a problem that definitely has a solution.
So now to end up if you need my help you can directly come to me by taking the appointment or you can use the app which is Lybrate which is a very good app in your mobile or you can just contact me through lybrate and seek up the appointment. Thank you very much. Stay well.
Doctor in Fortis C - Doc Hospital
Doctor in Fortis C - Doc Hospital
Dr. Sudeshna Biswas
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