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Green Park Family Medicine Clinic

Green Park Family Medicine Clinic

Dermatologist Clinic

S-34 A Main Market, Block S, Green Park
60 Reviews
1 Doctor
₹ 1,000 at clinic
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Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Dermatologist/ Cosmetologist.Our mission is to blend state-of-the-art medical technology & research with more

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04:00 PM - 06:30 PM
10:30 AM - 01:30 PM

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Medi Facial And Its Types
Medi Facial And Its Types

Hello everyone.

I am Dr. Lipy Gupta and I am a dermatologist. Today we'll be discussing about Medi Facials. Medi facials are procedures which have replaced the normal facials, which we used to get it done in a beauty parlour. Now it's important to know what is the difference between a medical facial versus a normal facial. Medi facials are customised treatments designed according to your skin needs. Your skin can be different, you may have an acne prone skin or an oily skin so accordingly the procedures which are designed to treat you may vary. Also, you may be sensitive to certain medications so in such cases the procedure can be designed according to your need. Most of these equipment treatments require equipments which are specifically designed so that the cleaning and the hydration can be targeted. Many of them also have infusion treatments along with it so that the skin can be hydrated and which can further reduce the blemishes and improve the quality of skin.

There are different kind of medi facials like the oxygen generating power facial, photo facial, hydra facial and enzyme peels. All of these procedures are based on equipments. There is a cleaning procedure let's say I will be discussing about oxygen generating power facial which has three steps to it. First of all I will be discussing about the oxygen generating power facial which has three steps to it. The first step is the exfoliation which cleanses the skin deeply. The second step involves infusion of essential nutrients and vitamins which are important to maintain skin health and the third step is the oxygen generating. So overall a procedure may take around 45 minutes and it gives a very good and a long lasting glow to you face.

The second most common facial is photo facial which involves the use of IPL laser which can help you reduce redness, improve facial pigmentation, regenerate collagen and improve the quality of skin. The another most common medi facial which is followed these days is hydra facial and this is becoming increasingly popular. In an hydra facial there is a cleaning which is a water jet based cleaning. This is followed by infusion of essential nutrients and vitamins and after this is the oxygen therapy in which there is pressurized nascent oxygen in combination with water which is used to clean as well as nourish the skin. An enzyme peel is also becoming more popular which is a medi facial. An enzyme peel is a fruit based peel which is a 45-1 hour 45 minutes to 1 hour procedure which involves exfoliation, gentle hydration and it involves certain procedures which can give your skin a very clean and a glow glowing skin at the end.

The advantages of medi facials versus regular facials are that they are performed by an experienced person. It uses equipments as against when you go to a parlour in which you are getting a facial massage done with the normal hands and you are sometimes not confident about the hygiene which is practiced and also the treatment can be customized according to your need. If you are having a pigmentation issue, the treatment can be planned according to your needs, if you have an acne prone skin accordingly you can go for this and the results are more long-lasting. Ideally one should perform 2 sessions of these procedures in the first month following by once a month maintenance therapy which can be carried out to give long-lasting results. All of these services are available with us at our center and you are free to contact us for the same.

Thank you!

Fungal Infection And How To Treat It?
Fungal Infection And How To Treat It?

Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Lipy Gupta and I am a dermatologist and today we’ll be discussing fungal infections. These days we are seeing a lot of fungal infections in our OPDs. The number of patients has drastically increased and so has the problem of recurrence and resistance to treatment. So previously when we use to give treatments for a period of 3-4 weeks, there hardly used to be any relapse but these days we see almost 30-40% of patients who come back with recurrence of fungal infections. Now it is important for us to understand that what exactly a fungal infection is. Whenever there is moisture in certain areas of the body which are the body folds mainly the inner thigh area, the genital area, inframammary areas and underarms; there is the accumulation of moisture and the fungi collect at these sites and this gives to rise of superficial fungal infection. When the lesion starts, it's a red patch but it grows slowly. The lesions have a classically round or that is why it's also known as ringworm and they have an expanding edge whereas they clear centrally. They can be present in multiple areas or you may have just one area which is involved with the fungal infection. The lesions classically show itching, so normally we have patients who complain of patches on certain areas, as well as they, complain of severe itching in these areas.

Over a period of time when you are not treating this infection, it continues to grow in size also and there are other areas which get involved after the first area has been involved. The earlier you seek a proper dermatology treatment the better it is for you but these but what happens is you end up going to a chemist and take over the counter brands which contain antifungals in combination with topical steroids. So, after applying these medications you feel an initial relief but after sometimes the fungal infection comes back again. So, it is very important to take proper treatment from a dermatologist for a proper duration of time when you suffer from this infection. The treatment course is generally from 3-4 weeks and has to be taken in an uninterrupted manner. Along with this, the doctor will prescribe you certain soaps, certain topical creams and dusting powders which will further help you to improve the infection much faster and in a complete manner. After completion of treatment, it is important that you are visiting the doctor again and getting yourself checked for any reinfection or any recurrence or leftover infection.

Besides this, it is very important that you take certain general measures so that you are able to treat your fungal infection properly. We may have one or more family member which is involved and affected with the same problem, so all the family members should take treatment. Besides this, we should maintain good hygiene, proper bathing and cleaning practices, we should take proper care that we are drying the areas which have high moisture frequently especially when we are going for gyming or we are doing any exertion activity and we have a tendency to sweat on certain areas, we are taking good care that we are keeping that area clean and dry. Besides this, we should avoid the use of synthetic clothes; avoid very tight clothes because this is one factor which can cause recurrence. Synthetic clothes do not absorb moisture, as a result of constant friction the fungal infection can resurface again. Besides this when you are wearing very tight clothes again the same problem that the moisture gets trapped and it's not and it acts a source of recurrence for fungal infection.

Taking care of these general precautions when you are taking the treatment will not only help you treat the fungal infection in much complete manner it will also help in reducing recurrence and relapsion. It is very important for us to understand that there is an epidemic of the fungal infection going all around in the country and we can treat this collectively only when we are following all these general precautions as well as we are taking a proper duration of antifungal treatment. Then there is no more any time that you take an over the counter brand and start applying it when you are suffering from a fungal infection, you'll end up having more of stretch marks and other skin thinning issues rather than treating your infection. Since the resistance rate is very high these days and we are seeing a high number of fungal resistance strains, proper antifungal treatment in terms of a complete oral medication in combination with topical medication is mandatory for clearing this infection. Do not try home remedies or try oils and other homeopathic treatments for this infection because and a proper oral antifungal drug in a proper duration is mandatory to treat this infection.

You have you can always consult a dermatologist whenever you are suffering from this infection and it is also important that after you complete the total treatment course, you need to revisit the doctor again so that in case you have a relapse or an incomplete treatment you can be treated for a little longer duration. We have a very limited number of drugs which are available with us and we can help you treat this infection only when you are taking these drugs in a proper dose and for the proper duration.

Thank you.

Pigmentation And Available Treatments For It!
Pigmentation And Available Treatments For It!


I am Dr. Lipy Gupta, Dermatologist. Today I will talk about facial pigmentation today. As we all see commonly that both man and woman are affected with hyperpigmentation involving different parts of the face. Whenever patient suffers from this problem, patient tries to hide it by using different cosmetics because it is something socially not acceptable. Many a times, people point out for this problem. It gives a very unhealthy apperance to the face. We will discuss about the most common causes and how can we manage them. The most common causes are freckels, melasma, contact allergies.

Why it develops? Because of hormonal issues, PCOS, oral contraceptives, thyroid disorder and other metabolic condition. Excess use of sunscreen and sun exposure also develop freckles and other sun spots. Whenever a patient who comes to us for the pigmentation, we always check the patient for these factors. And advice the patient to use right sunscreen properly. The sunscreen has both physical and chemical agents which helps the skin to reduce the amount of UV damage. We suggest which can suit oily and dry skin. Sunscreen is effective only for 3-4 hours. We suggest topical medications also.

Few more treatment are there which may help you in getting rid of this problems like lasers, chemical peels. The laser is known as Q-switched NdYAG laser. This laser works by the principal of selective photothermolysis. This laser works for almost all kind of pigmentation. Over a period of time and after a multiple sessions done we can observe a decrease in the pigmentation and we see very good clearance rate and a good patient satisfaction where a laser has been used. This laser doesn't have any side-effects. The laser deliver which is given to the skin is properly calculated and it cannot induce any damage to the skin. Over a period of time visible changes can be observed. Results are also more last longing. We do not have any permanent cure for many of the pigmentation which happens on the skin. We also use a wide range of chemical peels which contain glycolic acids, lactic acid and also we use long duration peels. One of the drawbacks of retinoil chemical peels that they cause massive exfoliation of the skin which increases the sensitivity for few days and also makes more prone to sun damage. So, whenever we are going for the long duration peels, it is important that the good sun protection is followed after the peels have been performed.

Treatments are performed in the interval of 2-4 weeks on which kind of peels are used. The results are satisfactory after 1-2 sessions. In resistance case of pigmentation, we use chemical and laser together and give the maximum benefits to the patient. Oral medicines which also reduces pigmentation are also helped in recovering them. Laser is performed after removing all the make-up. The patient is comfortable when the laser is performed.

After the procedure is complete, there is a mild redness over the face which goes in 1-2 hours. After laser, a facial mask is applied over the face which acts as a soothing agent for the patient. This is kept for 5 minutes and after cleaning we apply sunscreen on the pateint face. Overall, a dermatolgist has wide range of treatments which can be used judiciously and as per the patient needs and requirement. We are able to maintain flawless skin. So, whenever you find anyone suffering from pigmentation, it is very important to consult a Dr and do not treat yourself over the counter medications. A proper guidance is required when using these medications and these treatments should be performed by trained person because many a times both chemical peel, lasers and even your skin lightening creams can have sid-effects.

Thank You.

Hair Related Problem
Hair Related Problem

Hi! I am Dr Lipy Gupta, Dermatologist. Today I will talk about hair related problems. Head full of hair everyone wants. A lot of patients complaint of hair fall. So, what can cause hair fall? This can include thyroid, Anemia deficiency, stress, hormonal changes, PCOS. Hair straightening, colouring also may lead to the hair fall. It can also happen after childbirth. Hair fall is associated with genetic. Other causes can be an infection on the scalp, autoimmune condition. Bald patches also come on the head. Losing hair up to 100-150 is normal.

Why is hair fall so seasonal? Sudden change in season cause hair fall. What can be the diet to take to reduce hair fall? A balanced and healthy diet is important. A diet which contains a good amount of B12, folic acid, protein, omega 3 prevents hair fall. Sudden dieting can also cause hair to fall. What can be done to maintain healthy hair? Eat good food and avoid all unhealthy diet. Do regular exercise. Reduce your stress level with the help of yoga and meditation. We take the complete history of the patient to help in getting rid of hair fall. We do a few tests and investigations. We prescribe oral and application medicines to the patient. We give biotin and vitamin supplications. After that, we have more follicles in the growing stage. Now we have a few procedures like PRP, mesotherapy.

Today I will tell you about PRP. We use energy and the strength of in PRP which we inject in the scalp after the blood is withdrawn from the patient. For best results, we use biotin containing tubes. We use the numbing cream on the patient's scalp so that the patient will not get the pain. We inject the same in the patient's scalp and then we spread with the derma roller. It helps in blood circulation. It is a simple procedure and its timings are 60-90 minutes. This procedure is performed once every month which will be continued for 3-4 months to see the visible results. The result will take around 2-3 weeks. We will see the reduction in hair fall and improvement in hair growth. If you have any queries, consult me through Thank You.

Non-Invasive Body Contouring Procedures
Non-Invasive Body Contouring Procedures

Hello everyone!

I am Dr. Lipy Gupta and I am a dermatologist at Max Saket and have my own center at Green Park, Delhi. I will be discussing certain non-invasive body contouring procedures today. The urge for a perfect figure has been growing and everyone wants to look slim especially in today's scenario. Previously patients used to opt for surgical modalities for reducing weight and looking slim like liposuction and other body contouring procedures. But the need for non-invasive body contouring procedures has been growing tremendously. What will be discussing about today is known as cryolipolysis or fat freeze and this is a totally non-invasive body contouring procedure. This procedure uses cold energy to reduce fat bulges. The procedure targets fat cells which are selectively destroyed when the procedure is being carried out without causing any damage to the skin or any underlying structure. The procedure is painless and comfortable and it will not help you to reduce weight but definitely, it'll help you to reduce inches for sure. You can look slimmer in the same clothes after this procedure has been carried out.

What needs to be taken care is a balanced diet and physical activity which needs to be carried out well after this procedure has been performed and even later on. Now, sometimes we may wonder how this procedure is performed. In this procedure, there are applicators which are of different sizes and shapes which are applied on the area to be treated. The applicator generally works for around 50 to 60 minutes. The vacuum in the applicators sucks the fat cells and the area to be targeted inside and selectively cools down this area. After the applicator is removed the area may look slightly red and numb. The area after massaging gets comfortable however the numbing sensation may take a while to settle down. The procedure can be carried out on multiple body areas like the abdomen, flanks, arms, lower back and any other fat bulge which is easily targeted on in this area. Another area which is now commonly performed is the chin fat in which a specific applicator is placed on the chin area in which the vacuum sucks the fat cells inside and helps you to reduce the double chin. The cryolipolysis machine has different sizes of the applicator. The bigger applicator is specifically targeted to target the tummy area whereas the smaller applicators target areas like arms, back. For the chin there is a specific applicator which can be used to target the double chin area.

So the machine has different sizes and shapes of the applicator to target the different areas. When the procedure is being done, the area where the fat bulge is is marked and antifreeze membrane is placed on that area. This antifreeze membrane protects the skin from any damage. The applicator is placed on the area to be targeted and the vacuum is then pressed. The skin which is to be targeted goes inside the applicator and is selectively frozen as compared to the normal surrounding tissue. This treatment cycle generally takes around an hour and after the procedure is completed the area is massaged thoroughly. We may sometimes wonder what can we perform this procedure on all the individuals. There are certain candidates who are not ideal for this procedure. These are candidates who are morbidly obese, have very loose skin which has more of loose collagen rather than fat cells. Patients suffering from paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria and other cryoglobulinemias are not candidates are candidates in which this procedure should not be performed. We may also sometimes wonder what are the downsides of this procedure.

Besides mild pain and bruising in this area which generally settles down within a week there can be a local discomfort which settles down within 7 to 10 days. This procedure has an advantage that there is no restriction of any activity even after the procedure has been performed the patient can resume activity of normal daily living within the same day. There can be a slight discomfort however it is pretty manageable and the patient may not need any medicines especially for this. After the procedure has been performed, it may take 4-6 weeks for the clinically results to get apparent which is seen as a 30% reduction of the fat bulge. After 4 to 6 weeks another session of cool-sculpting or cryolipolysis can be carried out in this area in which different target areas or the same area may be targeted again which may lead to further reduction of the fat bulges. Sometimes after the cryolipolysis has been performed we may combine it with other skin tightening radiofrequency procedures to give a better contour to the area which has been targeted.

This procedure when combined with other radiofrequency procedures will not only help you to reduce the fat bulges it also helps you to bring back the lost tone and improve the contour of the specific area which has been targeted. This procedure has an advantage over other procedures of being safe; totally non-invasive though it may be slow to act it is very very safe to be performed. Well if you are a right candidate and you are not morbidly obese and you are looking for local fat bulges reduction cryolipolysis or fat freeze is an excellent procedure which can be which can help you achieve your target image. It is available with us and you can contact us for your queries and will be happy to help you with all your queries.

Thank you!

Semi-Permanent Makeup: Consider It For Super Natural Look
Semi-Permanent Makeup: Consider It For Super Natural Look

Hello everyone.

This Lipy Gupta once again and here we are launch we are to launch another technique of semi-permanent makeup.

Semi-permanent makeup as the name suggests is a technique for enhancing of eyebrow and eyelashes and introducing a new bright lip color. It’s a technique in which we introduce a pigment into your skin and this pigment stays for approximately 3 years. It is not like tattoo which is going to stay with you for life and which bleached over a period of time, this is the main difference between a tattoo and a semi-permanent makeup. The pigment which is used in semi-permanent makeup is 100% organic and doesn’t bleach with time. It fades gradually and gives you a very natural and good lasting results which you would love and like to maintain again and again. The technique of this procedure is very simple. In this when a patient come to us, we assess the patient, we tell the patient about the procedure and how the procedure is going to be carried out. A tropical numbing cream is applied on the area to be treated, the procedure is generally performed under two sittings which are four to six weeks apart, and the pigment is introduced using a fine sterile needle after an area which is properly cleaned and sterilized. After the cleaning is done and the area has been sterilized the pigment is introduced in the skin. You can see a change of the pigment and the skin color immediately which you can appreciate like fine hair strands on the eyebrow and a neat liner in case someone is going for an eye line eye liner enhancement. Last for around three years, give you natural long lasting result and this is a clear cut answer of when you don’t want to do make up every day. The procedure is extremely safe and doesn’t have any side effects and it’s a walking procedure. You can come at a doctor’s clinic get it done and resume work immediately. The result of this procedure are do matched by natural enhancement and do not look artificial. It gives greenish color to the skin.

We are here answer your queries and welcome you in case you have any quick questions. Thank you.

Dermal Fillers: How It works to Improve Your Appearance?
Dermal Fillers: How It works to Improve Your Appearance?

Hello everyone.

I am Dr. Lipa Gupta and I am back here again to discuss about dermal fillers and solve your FAQs about it. Before we start what dermal fillers are it is important for us to understand what is natural itching? As all of us age this is because of our frequent blinking or because of a repeated lip movement we lose hyaluronic acid which is the natural substance of the skin. This leads to appearance of fine lines around the eyes, tear troughs, nasolabial folds and marionette lines. When these signs start appearing there is an appearance of lines of wrinkles and these days we have products which are very close to the natural occurring Hyaluronic acid in the skin, to replenish the lost volume and improve the fine lines and pores which are developing. Juvederm gives us a complete range of products which is specifically designed to target the individual needs of these areas. We have a whole range of Voluma, volbella, vollift and ultra HC which is specifically design to treat. A volume which is good for lifting and filling effect cheekbones and around the deeper and courser lines of the skin. A volbella which is specifically designed. It’s a soft product to take of the tear trough areas. A volt which is specifically designed to target lips so it gives a natural plumed lips without giving an unnatural appearance and an ultra HC which is again for a filling and lifting effect. The difference to these products is the quantity of Hyaluronic acid which is different in each of them and which is specifically designed to target that particular area. These products are injected using fine needles which have certain key points for each area which are already predetermined. The effect of the result is immediate which can be seen immediately after injecting for up to one to one and a half years easily. The procedure is safe but should be performed by an experienced dermatologist because there are certain complications may which occur if you are not doing it with a proper doctor who specifically train for the same. When these products are inserted using needles there is an immediate lifting and plumping effects which further enhances within a week’s time. Another common question which we commonly face is why Juvederm or any other product as against the cheaper dermal fillers. The quality of the product is dependent on the tissue integrity it achieves. This product when injected, it integrates in the tissue and forma part of the tissue. This integration factor is variable for different quality of products. When you are choosing a product which is superior, though it might be slightly costlier it is to give you natural result, these days we not only aim at lifting or filling lines, we also help in treating expressions. We commonly have patients who walk in telling that suddenly, ‘I have started looking angry or I look worried’.

So when we are treating expressions, we want product as close to natural as possible. This is an advantage of Juvederm over other products.

Anti Ageing Treatment
Anti Ageing Treatment

Hello everyone, I am Dr Lipy Gupta and I am a dermatologist. I am going to discuss Anti ageing treatments with you today. We all are aware of Botox and this is a Botulinum toxin very common and very common of his procedure is basically involves injections which are given on the skin which relaxes the muscles and it is good for treatment of fine lines and wrinkles specially around your forehead and the crossfit. The second most popular procedure are fillers and there is a whole range of fillers available, the most popular ones are Juvederm Voluma and Juvederm Ultra XC. Voluma filler is for deeper lifting and the Ultra XC is for more superficial lifting. These fillers are available in prefilled syringes which can be injected into the desired area, per optimum results. The results with these fillers last easily for one and a half to two years and can be done by a trained dermatologist. The third most common procedure which is done these days is a therapy or high intensity focused ultrasound this is the technique which uses high intensity focused ultrasound energy in 3 different depth. A depth of 4.5 millimetre, 3 millimetre and 1.5 millimetre. The 1.5 millimetres is for superficial lifting the 3 and the 4.5 is for the deeper lifting of the skin. How it is done is that after application of an ultrasound gel, the probe is placed on the skin and the ultrasound energy is at fire to cause skin tightening and lifting of the skin. This is the common procedure not it is associated with little pain while the procedure is being done and a little bit of discomfort. However the results are excellent and generally last for a year and a half. Another most Common procedure which is now done is a thread lift. Threads are basically polydioxanone materials which is arranged and placed on a needle, the needle is inserted into the skin and the thread is automatically released. The thread which is place inside the skin disintegrates and induces new collagen over a period of 6 weeks to 6 months. This is available both as Monopolar as well as Bipolar which are thicker and deeper threads. Another procedure which I like to talk about is Micro needle radio-frequency, in this needles are inserted which are thermally insulated, these are fired into the skin they penetrate into the skin release radio frequency energy and cause skin tightening. This procedure works where if our reducing fine lines and wrinkles on the face as well as for the neck area. Another common procedure these days is Vampire facelift which uses patients on blood, out of which the platelet rich traction is segregated. It is process and then it is injected into the facial skin or even sometimes this injected into the Nasolabial folds and other areas. Once this procedure is done there is a downtime of 2 to 3 days, however it gives a good facial rejuvenation and good facial lifting. Thank you for patient hearing and for any queries you can contact us at www. Thank you.

Lybrate | Dr. Lipy Gupta speaks on IMPORTANCE OF TREATING ACNE EARLY
Lybrate | Dr. Lipy Gupta speaks on IMPORTANCE OF TREATING ACNE EARLY

Lybrate | Dr. Lipy Gupta speaks on IMPORTANCE OF TREATING ACNE EARLY

Doctor in Green Park Family Medicine Clinic

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Doctor in Green Park Family Medicine Clinic


Dr. Lipy Gupta

Dermatologist19 Years Exp.
MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy, MBBS
₹ 1,000 at clinic
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Jun 01, 2023

Everything went smoothly.



May 18, 2023

Very reassuring while giving proper advice


Kundan Choudhary

Jun 26, 2018

It's nice.. Doctor lipy gupta describe me everything about my daughts.. She is very friendly with me..



Dec 26, 2018

Excellent doctor to understand all my problem..


Simran Bache

May 11, 2021

Dr Lipy Gupta is very good .

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