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Hi, I am Dr Chavvi Bansal. And I am practising homoeopathy in Homeopathy and wellness, Pitampura.
Today I would like to discuss Homeopathy and the various childhood diseases and Impact of homoeopathy in various childhood infections. As we know that children are more disposed to infections and they develop diseases readily because they have low immunity and they are more prone to infections. Homeopathy treatment works on the same and it boosts the child's immunity, not to take these infections and fight with them effectively. Commonly found childhood diseases are respiratory diseases are tonsillitis, prolonged bronchitis, prolonged cough, constipation, diarrhoea and gas problems. Children are also more prone to eczema and hives. Bedwetting is also one of the most common childhood diseases, but we have a good homoeopathic treatment for all such diseases.
Coming to the homoeopathic management.
Homeopathic medicines are not just mild and safe but also boosts the child's immunity. So, it basically makes the body immunity strong, so not to take infections or fight them effectively. Also, Children are very soft. Giving them hard medicines will not only affect them in a negative way but also hamper their growth. Hence, it is always advised to give them a homoeopathic treatment.
Homeopathy has given wonderful results on children diseases. It has also been found to increase the child's immunity to its best. It also helps to prevent surgery for adenoids and tonsillitis.
For more queries related to such problems, please feel free to contact me through Lybrate.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome explained in detail
Hi I am Dr Chhavi Bansal and I am practicing homeopathy at Homeo Sure in Pritampura. Today I would like to discuss about irritable bowel syndrome.
Most of us do not know the disease by its name but its symptoms are very well known to us. Most commonly symptoms produced by this disease are Sensation of being full all the time, bloated sensation, being more windy, Bouts of constipation and diarrhea, unsatisfactory stool, sensation of discomfort, weakness and stool etc. All these symptoms point towards irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the emerging diseases because of the poor lifestyle we are all living.
It is a very much functional disorder which is basically deranges the brain cut access. Which leads to some kind of disturbances in the functioning of digestive system. Now coming to what causes irritable bowel syndrome. It is a very much functional disorder so there is no pathology involved behind this. It is because of certain things which then affects the functioning of the digestive system. Like if a person is very much prone to Stress anxieties and disappointments. It also deranges the brain access or if a person is having a very poor lifestyle eating unhealthy food or it can happen after some kind of gastric infections as well. So the management would include controlling the same.
Letting go the stress free life which is quite difficult But still can be managed regular physical workouts and maintaining The routine and Taking a healthy diet containing Much of fruits and vegetables. It is also being found that the people who take probiotics Are less prone to these diseases because Probiotics Promote gut bacteria. Coming to the homoeopathic management of irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease which is very well managed and controlled with homeopathy.
It is the functional disorder Which has no Treatment in any kind of petty. Because it basically need to treat your constitution. It is your constitution that predisposes you to develop irritable bowel syndrome. A person who is more prone to take anxiety and stress are going to develop to irritable bowel syndrome earlier than the individual who keeps herself or himself calm. Homeopathy is the only system of medicine which basically treats the constitution and has wonderfully treated a lot of cases of irritable bowel syndrome.
In any other query related to in any other query related to irritable bowel syndrome feel free to consult me through lybrate.
Know the causes and treatment for your acne
Hi this is Dr. Chavi Bansal and I am practicing homeopathy at Home Mutual Normal Homeopathy in Pitampura. Let us have a brief discussion about acne.
Acne is one of the most commonly seen skin diseases especially in young individuals and teenagers. It can manifest from blackheads or whiteheads to pustule and to reduce depending on its severity it is more common in young individuals or teenagers because the hormonal changes occurring during puberty which leads to much secretion of oil at the end this all gets clot into the pores into the skin which leads to secondary infection but this hormonal changes does not occur only during puberty.
They can also happen during pregnancy or because of prolonged use of contraceptives or in certain other conditions as well but it is not the case that it happens only because of the hormonal changes it can also develop because of certain triggering factors like much intake of oily food, poor food or lifestyle. Very much stress and polluted or unhealthy environment as well this acne does not only manifest physically, acne has also been found to produce deeper impact individuals leading to much other symptoms like prolong stress.
It has been found that many of the teenagers go into depression they have a tendency to develop low confidence as they feel embarrassed and they don't then. They go into the favor for isolation and so the treatment should also be targeted toward treating the condition in a deep way only coming to the home with. The treatment of acne homeopathic treatment is the most strongly suggestive treatment for acne not because it controls the oil secretion. But because it addresses the basic constitutional tendency to develop acne. It controls the hormonal imbalances and it also controls the secondary infections it is very well known to everyone that homeopathy produces the best results in the cases of acne and it is not the case that take very long intervals to get better.
It just depends on the Intensity Severity in the duration of your symptoms that how long it will take for the treatment to cure you completely as well in any other query related to acne feel free to consult me through Lybrate.
Here are some treatments and symptoms of PCOS
Symptoms and Treatments for PCOS
Hi! I’m Dr. Chhavi Bansal and I’m practicing Homeopathy at Homeosure-Home of Homeopathy and Wellness, Pitampura.
I’ll be discussing about Polycystic Ovarian Disease today.
Polycystic Ovarian Disease has become the single most common hormonal imbalance of the reproductive age group and has become the major cause of infertility in this age group.
It roughly affects every one in five women of reproductive age group. PCOD is commonly known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which means a group of symptoms which categorize PCOD.
The symptoms can be – most importantly, it is weight gain especially round or middle, acne or oily skin, hirsutism (development of hair on face), thinning of scalp hair or loss of scalp hair, infrequent menstruation cycle and subfertility.
How is PCOD diagnosed?
According to Rotterdam criteria, two of the following three diagnostic criteria should be present in a patient to diagnose her as suffering from PCOD. These diagnostic criteria includes –
Firstly, presence of signs and symptoms in a patient or elevation of male hormones in the blood test.
Secondly, infrequent or no ovulation.
Thirdly, presence of polycystic ovaries in an ultrasound.
In an ultrasound, development of more than 10 follicles ranging from 2 to 9 millimeters in diameter or ovarian volume more than 10 cubic centimeters signifies the presence of polycystic ovaries.
Now, coming to the management of Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Apart from medicinal interventions, weight loss have shown remarkable changes in the ovarian functions and in almost 30 percent of the cases, no other medicinal intervention was required if the patient maintains her weight. But it is also being found that in 50 percent of females suffering with PCOD are not overweight so there is one more factor to PCOD that is higher level of blood glucose.
So, if a patient manages to lose her weight and control her blood glucose, it will definitely help her maintain and manage her PCOD in a very well way.
Harms of PCOD - In a long run a patient suffering from PCOD can develop a lot many complications, like a patient can develop metabolic syndrome, she can have high levels of triglyceride and cholesterol , she can develop diabetes mellitus and she can develop high BP as well.
Apart from these, PCOD has been the major cause of infertility these days so it leads to subfertility in most of the females.
Coming to the dietary management of the PCOD. It has been found that people who take more of omega-3 fatty acids in fruits and vegetables, they stimulate their synthesis of sex hormone binding globulin which helps you prevent and maintain your PCOD.
Other dietary advises include cutting down alcohol, caffeine intake, quitting smoking, decrease intake of saturated fats, cutting down your trans fats and cutting down your artificial sweeteners intake.
Now, coming to the Homeopathic management of PCOD, the root cause of PCOD lies in the hormonal imbalance or hormonal dysfunctioning of the body and so, from this root cause, it is easily perceived that this constitutional disease requires constitutional treatment.
Homeopathy has treated thousands of cases of PCOD and has brought stability in the menstrual cycles of lot many females in the shortest possible time.
If you have any other query related to Polycystic Ovarian Disease, feel free to consult me through Lybrate.
Here are some treatments and symptoms of menopause
Hello this is Dr. Chhavi Bansal and I am practicing Homeopathy at Homeosure-Home of Homeopathy and Wellness, Pitampura. Today I’ll be discussing about Menopause.
Menopause is a naturally occurring phenomenon usually found in females of the age 45-55 and is caused by the deficiency of female hormones needing to the end of menstrual cycles and a lot of physical and emotional symptoms. These symptoms develop due to the fluctuation of hormones to keep the body’s normal hormonal level. Various physical symptoms include: Night sweat, Hot flashes, Vaginal dryness, lack of sleep, more concentration and memory. In the emotional symptoms, the patients may experience various kinds of mood swings, low mood and decreased libido.
Now why is Menopause such a problematic condition? Because it leads to a lot of complications in the female by the decreased level of female hormones. At this time the female is more prone to fractures, osteoporosis and heart diseases because of the low female hormones but menopause can be managed very well by the general management and medical management. The general management includes leading a healthy life style which includes cutting down your alcohol and caffeine intake, taking a good sleep, doing some physical activity daily. Certain food items have been found to have estrogens which mimic the female hormones. They are whole grains like: oats, barley and legumes like lentil and beans.
Homeopathy has been found to be the most effective way to combat menopausal symptoms. Around 70-80% of the females suffer with menopausal symptoms and almost 80-90% of them get relieved by homeopathic medicines. There is no need for hormone replacement therapy because it has its own long term negative impact on the female body.
If you have any other query regarding Menopause, feel free to contact me through Lybrate.
Here are some causes and treatments of hypertension
Hello this is Dr. Chhavi Bansal and I am practicing Homeopathy at Homeosure-Home of Homeopathy and Wellness, Pritampura. Today I’ll be discussing about Hypertension which is the most common emerging lifestyle disorder these days. Hypertension is defines as elevation of blood pressure. Blood pressure is the pressure of flowing blood on the inner walls of the blood vessels and it depends on various factors like the pumping force of the heart, the resistance of the blood vessels and the amount of blood flowing through the vessels. As I have previously told that it is a lifestyle disorder, its development has been attributed to various lifestyle changes like poor diet, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, poor sleeping habits, work stress, mental stress.
It is often termed as the ‘silent killer’ because in many of the cases its symptoms do not manifest in the beginning of the cases and usually manifests itself with complications. Also many people do not give importance to hypertension until and unless they develop complications. Hypertension can be of two types: primary or essential and secondary hypertension depending on the causes of hypertension. And in majority of the cases, almost 90-95% cases there is no underline cause to hypertension and this is termed as Primary or Essential Hypertension.
Secondary Hypertension is the one where there is some kind of underlining medical condition which needs to be treated there. Now coming to the risk factors of hypertension, these factors can be modifiable and non-modifiable. The non-modifiable factor includes: Age like it is more common in later ages, Race because it is more common in African Americans and Genetic, because hypertension has been found running in families. The Modifiable risk factors are obesity, smoking, much intake of alcohol, caffeine, fatty food, higer level of cholesterol, high sodium diet, low potassium diet, prolonged stress or prolonged use of OCPs.
Now what is the harm from Hypertension? Prolonged hypertension can create a lot many complications: it can damage your eyes it can damage your kidneys, it can damage your heart and lead you to lot of diseases which can create loss of vision, kidney, heart diseases and stroke.
Now coming to the prevention or treatment of hypertension, as been previously told that there are various risk factors which make you prone to develop hypertension. So prevention is the best treatment of hypertension, if the risk factors are controlled then it will definitely control your hypertension or at least delay it. So the best prevention would be to have a healthy lifestyle which includes cutting down your alcohol and caffeine intake, quit smoking and maintaining your weight, adding physical activities to your routine daily, decreasing your sodium intake and increasing your potassium intake.
Homeopathy has wonderful results in delaying Hypertension and controlling Hypertension.
If you have any further queries regarding hypertension feel free to consult me through Lybrate.
I’m Dr Chhavi Bansal and I’m practising at the Homeosure home of Homeopathy and Wellness, Pitampura, Delhi. I will be speaking about allergies today.
Allergies are a group of conditions which are characterized by hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment that causes little or no problems in most of the individuals. So from this only we get the causes of allergy. Allergy is basically caused by a combination of host and environmental factors. Host factors, being genetic redispositions, hereditary, age, sex and racial factors. There are a very good number of allergies which are common in certain races and environmental factors being environmental pollution, the prevalence of allergens in the environment, our dietary habits and the childhood exposure to certain allergens.
Almost daily I see around eight to ten patients of respiratory allergies and I don’t advise them a prolonged treatment. Usually, a treatment of 3 to 6 months suffice in case of any kind of allergies be it respiratory allergies, skin allergies, food allergies or gastric allergies but the treatment may extend up to 1 year in certain conditions.
If you have any query related to respiratory allergies or any kind of allergies feel free to consult me at lybrate . You can text me your problems or you can have a audio consultation or video consultation. You can also book an appointment through lybrate.com.
Doctor in Homeosure - Home of Homeopathy and Wellness
Doctor in Homeosure - Home of Homeopathy and Wellness
Dr. Chhavi Bansal
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Jul 11, 2020Very good Dr
Dec 26, 2018Excellent doctor to understand all my problem..
Feb 05, 2018I found the answers provided by the Dr. Chhavi Bansal to be very helpful, knowledgeable, caring and helped me improve my health. Thank you so much dear
Praveen Kumar
Nov 28, 2016I found the answers provided by the Dr. Chhavi Bansal to be very helpful and knowledgeable. Thank u so much doctor ,I will follow ur instructions
Nov 09, 2017I found the answers provided by the Dr. Chhavi Bansal to be very helpful, knowledgeable, caring, inspiring and professional. Thank u mam