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Sarthak Medical Centre

Sarthak Medical Centre

Gynaecologist Clinic

P-11, N.D.-17, Landmark: Near Malviya Nagar Post Office
1 Reviews
1 Doctor
₹ 1,200 at clinic

About Clinic

Our medical care facility offers treatments from the best doctors in the field of Gynaecologist, Infertility , Infertility Specialist, Obstetrician, Ultrasonologist.Our mission is to more

Clinic Timing

11:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

I am Dr Nimmi Rastogi. I am a practising gynaecologist at Sarthak medical centre, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi. I visit a number of corporate hospitals and my area of expertise is infertility. So, these days we are seeing a lot of cases of Polycystic Ovarian disorder also commonly known as PCOD a complex hormonal disorder where girls have late periods, scanty periods, women are unable to conceive.

There are also other things like weight gain, abnormal facial hair growth, spurt of acne, mood swings and all kinds of premenstrual syndromes. This can be caused due to family history at times due to diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity.

We ask you to not ignore these symptoms. Come to a gynecologist to run certain tests to rule out or confirm the diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, we recommend certain medicines and certain lifestyle modifications.

Life style modifications is the mainstay of the treatment si that we ask the person to lose weight in case the person is overweight or to maintain an ideal weight. Don’t eat processed food, don’t eat junk food, have more proteins and lesser carbohydrate, go organic and you know, live healthy. Generally, breath deep and live free from stress, exercise every single day, have plenty of omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids.

So these are simple measures which you can inculcate in your routine and have some relief from this complex disorder.

So, I am available for consultation at Sarthak medical centre, Malvinagar. You can locate me on Lybrate on their website and other places also. So, if you have to make a consultation and you want to seek an online consultation, that also is possible. So, feel free to connect to Lybrate.

About The Importance Of Preconception Counseling
About The Importance Of Preconception Counseling

I am Dr Nimmi Rastogi. I am a practising gynaecologist at Sarthak medical centre, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi.So, in our centre, we have certain speciality clinic. One of them is preconception counselling.
What is preconception counselling?
If you are planning your bundle of joy, then it is imperative for you to visit a doctor and tell you certain important things which by yourself you can’t figure out. So, if you are planning and you still have time, then a month before, come for preconception counselling. There will be a session of interview, we will be talking to you, we will be taking into account of all your history, past history, present history, family history and certain blood tests will be done which will give us a clue that you are healthy enough to parent a child.

For the woman we will run certain tests whether she is carrying any infection or her hormones are all right or her thyroid levels, progesterone, folate levels are all right. And all this is run and certain compatibility tests are also done, for instance, Rh compatibility, thalassemia test and sudden genetic studies are done in select cases. It’s a very simple session consisting of 2-3 visits wherein we talk and we impart certain advice based on those tests. So it’s a good idea always to be 100% fit for pregnancy rather than being taken for a shock or a surprise.

So, do visit if you are planning for a pregnancy for a preconception counselling at any gynaecologist.

You can locate me on Lybrate or on the website. I am available for consultation at my clinic at Sarthak medical centre, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi.

Doctor in Sarthak Medical Centre

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Doctor in Sarthak Medical Centre


Dr. Nimmi Rastogi

Gynaecologist30 Years Exp.
DGO, MBBS, Advanced Infertility
₹ 1,200 at clinic
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Jul 25, 2016

Very good mam in clearing my doubts...

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