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The Kalpavriksh Superspeciality Clinic(ON CALL)

The Kalpavriksh Superspeciality Clinic(ON CALL)

Urologist Clinic

Plot No-66, Sector 12 A, Dwarka
4 Reviews
1 Doctor
₹ 1,200 at clinic
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06:30 PM - 07:00 PM

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Know More About Kidney Stones
Know More About Kidney Stones

Types of Kidney stones and their formation

Kidney Transplant
Kidney Transplant

Here are basic tips of Kidney Transplantation (Renal transplantation)

Friends good after noon I am DR. Aditya Pradhan. I look after the department of urology and kidney transplant at the BL Kapoor hospital. In my department major activities are kidney transplant, kidney cancers we do the constructive urology we also do a lot of stone surgery and prostate surgery so literally, we cover the whole spectrum of urology practice as it is done today in most centers around the world to speak briefly about kidney transplant which is the focus of our activity so as you must be aware India has a large number of patients with kidney failure on an average in India about to lac patients are diagnosed with kidney failure every year. Unfortunately out of these two lac patients barely 3,000 patients get your kidney transplant done every year so there is a large number of patients who don’t get a kidney transplant done in spite of the facilities being available in most major cities in the country.

There are many reasons why a kidney transplant is not easily available- 

The first and most forms, of course, is the availability of donor so there are stringent laws governing the rules of a kidney transplant and it is mandatory for every patient to get his own donor and these donors have to be live related which means first-degree blood relatives. They could be the patient’s parents they could be a sibling, could be his own children who are above 18 years of age or they could be his spouse so amongst these family members, he has to get a patient of the same blood group or of O blood group. Many families do not have relatives with these conditions and that is why there is a big problem for the patient to get a donor for him.  So, this is one of the main problems that you have, that you don’t have an adequate number of donors.

The second problem is even when donors are available within the family they are not willing to donate their kidneys. There are some reasons which are their most of them are misconceptions that patient was donated his kidney may not be able to function normally after the operation. So, these are absolutely unfounded doubts every patient who is going to be tested for kidney donation. All his tests are done to confirm that he is healthy the operation is usually a very safe operation and after the surgery, the patient can lead absolutely normal life.

These misconceptions must be discarded by the donor. They must come to the transplant surgeon and once they counseled and I am pretty sure that they will understand that they are doing a life-saving deed for their near and dear ones. This is the second problem where donors are available but they are not willing to help their relatives because of this misconception about the operation now the third reason is that we don’t have many cadaver donations.

In India now some of you may be aware that there is a concept called brain stem death these are patients who died in the ICU. Before their patients are declared dead their relatives are counseled that they can help the community by donating organs. These are what other problems which are faced when we are doing kidney transplants today but the scenario in India is changing, we have become increasingly better in our techniques we have got good drugs available so in most instances, a kidney transplant is a successful operation in this hospital.

Our results are more than ninety-nine percent which is as good as world standards we are doing all kinds of transplants the kidney donor operation between laparoscopic ally so that the recovery is very quick and most donors can be discharged by the third day to go back home. we are also doing abo incompatible transplant which means that if the blood groups are not matching the donor can be still be taken up for the transplant.

so friends this was a brief about kidney transplant and if you would like any more details about any of the aspects which I talked about you can reach out to me at the website.

Doctor in The Kalpavriksh Superspeciality Clinic(ON CALL)

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Doctor in The Kalpavriksh Superspeciality Clinic(ON CALL)


Dr. Aditya Pradhan

Urologist37 Years Exp.
DNB (Urology), MS - General Surgery, MBBS
₹ 1,200 at clinic
1,000 online
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Jan 20, 2023




Mar 15, 2021

Very good and satisfying doctor.


Rupak Mandal

Jul 31, 2019

doctor is knowledgeable and very experienced..just started the treatment .will update more once course complete



Sep 01, 2019

Very professional and knowledgeable

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