Dr. Kanika Goel
Personal Statement
Hello and thank you for visiting my Lybrate profile! I want to let you know that here at my office my staff and I will do our best to make you comfortable. I strongly believe in ethics; as a health provider being ethical is not just a remembered value, but a strongly obser..I believe in health care that is based on a personal commitment to meet patient needs with compassion and care...read more
Doctor Information
- Physiotherapist
Other treatment areas
- Neuro Physiotherapist
- Geriatric Physiotherapist
- Cardiovascular And Pulmonary Physiotherapist
- Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
- Pediatric Physiotherapist
- Orthopedic Physiotherapist
- Homecare Physiotherapist
- Physiotherapist
- Women Health Physiotherapist
- Clinical Physiotherapist
- MPT - Orthopedic Physiotherapy , Santosh Dental College & Hospital , 2013
Past Experience
- PT at Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital
- Physiotherapist at Action Balaji Hospital & Action Cancer Hospital
Languages spoken
- English
- Hindi
Professional Memberships
- Member of Federation of Indian Manual Therapists (MFIMT)
Clinic Location
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Question and Answers
Rekha Nair
female • 48 Year Old • Feb 02, 2017 • Mumbai
I am 46 years woman with scoliosis for the past 15 yrs. Recently getting pain on the left side lower back pain. Sitting two long brings in more pain. Feels as if bone is ...read more
Kanika Goel
8 years ago
See scoliosis that too 15 years old is a chronic condition and you need to exercise very regularly for this. As this may result in more curvature of spine if you ignore. ...read full answer
Deepak Gupta
male • Jan 24, 2017 • Mohali
I am 20 year old and my left hand fracture when I was 12 year old. I started gym last 3 days and I feel little bit pain in joint part of elbow than the other hand. So I ...read more
Kanika Goel
8 years ago
Basically this happens mostly due to soft tissue involvement during fracture so you need to visit physiotherapist for this. And might be few specific exercises are requi ...read full answer
Health Tips
Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is caused by a strain to the tendons in your forearm. You may feel pain in your arm and tenderness in your elbow.Try the exercises suggested here to help ease pain and prevent future symptoms. Tennis elbow treatment: Treatment involve......read more
Knee Pain
1. Overweight Over weight is one of the largest risk factors for knee pain. The knee supports much of the body s weight, and too much weight taxes the joint and increases the likelihood of pain. Anterior knee pain, which develops at the front and ......read more
Say No to Back Pain
In this post, I am just going to talk about some precautions which everyone should take with or without low back pain do not move anything heavy by pulling it in front of you. Always push and never pull. do not maintain any one position for a prol......read more